diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/university/organizations_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/university/organizations_controller.rb
index bdf31d43785af6cde432ca58abd79ceb77472552..3f56e50328a8d0a8952682f20049316c13b00157 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admin/university/organizations_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/university/organizations_controller.rb
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class Admin::University::OrganizationsController < Admin::University::Applicatio
             :name, :long_name, :slug, :meta_description, :summary, :active, :siren, :kind,
             :address, :zipcode, :city, :country, :text,
-            :url, :phone, :email, :linkedin, :twitter,
+            :url, :phone, :email, :linkedin, :twitter, :mastodon,
             :logo, :logo_delete, :logo_infos,
             :logo_on_dark_background, :logo_on_dark_background_delete, :logo_on_dark_background_infos,
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/university/people_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/university/people_controller.rb
index 68c9d699bde64b82035dcdbe7deae904f9151d1e..0fde20c47221f4f77130ce72b000508af047e904 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admin/university/people_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/university/people_controller.rb
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class Admin::University::PeopleController < Admin::University::ApplicationContro
       :address, :zipcode, :city, :country,
       :meta_description, :summary,
       :biography,  :picture, :picture_delete, :picture_infos,
-      :habilitation, :tenure, :url, :linkedin, :twitter,
+      :habilitation, :tenure, :url, :linkedin, :twitter, :mastodon,
       :is_researcher, :is_teacher, :is_administration, :is_alumnus,
     ).merge(university_id: current_university.id)
diff --git a/app/models/university/organization.rb b/app/models/university/organization.rb
index ea328fbc38b3ad07754db97ff45f8e7104566cf0..46a5f668ec2305ea372fa5f3cfd5c28fd44bb9f2 100644
--- a/app/models/university/organization.rb
+++ b/app/models/university/organization.rb
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #  kind             :integer          default("company")
 #  linkedin         :string
 #  long_name        :string
+#  mastodon         :string
 #  meta_description :text
 #  name             :string
 #  nic              :string
diff --git a/app/models/university/person.rb b/app/models/university/person.rb
index 4a7dc6a74b110671d05dd4fae4f8a8784f2c0946..9fd05ac1e24f30b4c14a2bb1a485b4f887224905 100644
--- a/app/models/university/person.rb
+++ b/app/models/university/person.rb
@@ -2,38 +2,42 @@
 # Table name: university_people
-#  id                 :uuid             not null, primary key
-#  address            :string
-#  biography          :text
-#  birthdate          :date
-#  city               :string
-#  country            :string
-#  email              :string
-#  first_name         :string
-#  gender             :integer
-#  habilitation       :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  is_administration  :boolean
-#  is_alumnus         :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  is_author          :boolean
-#  is_researcher      :boolean
-#  is_teacher         :boolean
-#  last_name          :string
-#  linkedin           :string
-#  meta_description   :text
-#  name               :string
-#  phone_mobile       :string
-#  phone_personal     :string
-#  phone_professional :string
-#  slug               :string
-#  summary            :text
-#  tenure             :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  twitter            :string
-#  url                :string
-#  zipcode            :string
-#  created_at         :datetime         not null
-#  updated_at         :datetime         not null
-#  university_id      :uuid             not null, indexed
-#  user_id            :uuid             indexed
+#  id                    :uuid             not null, primary key
+#  address               :string
+#  biography             :text
+#  birthdate             :date
+#  city                  :string
+#  country               :string
+#  email                 :string
+#  first_name            :string
+#  gender                :integer
+#  habilitation          :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  hal_doc_identifier    :string
+#  hal_form_identifier   :string
+#  hal_person_identifier :string
+#  is_administration     :boolean
+#  is_alumnus            :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  is_author             :boolean
+#  is_researcher         :boolean
+#  is_teacher            :boolean
+#  last_name             :string
+#  linkedin              :string
+#  mastodon              :string
+#  meta_description      :text
+#  name                  :string
+#  phone_mobile          :string
+#  phone_personal        :string
+#  phone_professional    :string
+#  slug                  :string
+#  summary               :text
+#  tenure                :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  twitter               :string
+#  url                   :string
+#  zipcode               :string
+#  created_at            :datetime         not null
+#  updated_at            :datetime         not null
+#  university_id         :uuid             not null, indexed
+#  user_id               :uuid             indexed
 # Indexes
diff --git a/app/models/university/person/administrator.rb b/app/models/university/person/administrator.rb
index 7344064b889d083fb778a272dee969f1392349b0..8532be880cb943b9417e1be51055c9ce2208e583 100644
--- a/app/models/university/person/administrator.rb
+++ b/app/models/university/person/administrator.rb
@@ -2,38 +2,42 @@
 # Table name: university_people
-#  id                 :uuid             not null, primary key
-#  address            :string
-#  biography          :text
-#  birthdate          :date
-#  city               :string
-#  country            :string
-#  email              :string
-#  first_name         :string
-#  gender             :integer
-#  habilitation       :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  is_administration  :boolean
-#  is_alumnus         :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  is_author          :boolean
-#  is_researcher      :boolean
-#  is_teacher         :boolean
-#  last_name          :string
-#  linkedin           :string
-#  meta_description   :text
-#  name               :string
-#  phone_mobile       :string
-#  phone_personal     :string
-#  phone_professional :string
-#  slug               :string
-#  summary            :text
-#  tenure             :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  twitter            :string
-#  url                :string
-#  zipcode            :string
-#  created_at         :datetime         not null
-#  updated_at         :datetime         not null
-#  university_id      :uuid             not null, indexed
-#  user_id            :uuid             indexed
+#  id                    :uuid             not null, primary key
+#  address               :string
+#  biography             :text
+#  birthdate             :date
+#  city                  :string
+#  country               :string
+#  email                 :string
+#  first_name            :string
+#  gender                :integer
+#  habilitation          :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  hal_doc_identifier    :string
+#  hal_form_identifier   :string
+#  hal_person_identifier :string
+#  is_administration     :boolean
+#  is_alumnus            :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  is_author             :boolean
+#  is_researcher         :boolean
+#  is_teacher            :boolean
+#  last_name             :string
+#  linkedin              :string
+#  mastodon              :string
+#  meta_description      :text
+#  name                  :string
+#  phone_mobile          :string
+#  phone_personal        :string
+#  phone_professional    :string
+#  slug                  :string
+#  summary               :text
+#  tenure                :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  twitter               :string
+#  url                   :string
+#  zipcode               :string
+#  created_at            :datetime         not null
+#  updated_at            :datetime         not null
+#  university_id         :uuid             not null, indexed
+#  user_id               :uuid             indexed
 # Indexes
diff --git a/app/models/university/person/alumnus.rb b/app/models/university/person/alumnus.rb
index 768ca14261fccbad907c4cdf5bc32d7bb8838768..729d7b2125dbbefebf2fd15ee9f4b37237d4d22e 100644
--- a/app/models/university/person/alumnus.rb
+++ b/app/models/university/person/alumnus.rb
@@ -2,38 +2,42 @@
 # Table name: university_people
-#  id                 :uuid             not null, primary key
-#  address            :string
-#  biography          :text
-#  birthdate          :date
-#  city               :string
-#  country            :string
-#  email              :string
-#  first_name         :string
-#  gender             :integer
-#  habilitation       :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  is_administration  :boolean
-#  is_alumnus         :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  is_author          :boolean
-#  is_researcher      :boolean
-#  is_teacher         :boolean
-#  last_name          :string
-#  linkedin           :string
-#  meta_description   :text
-#  name               :string
-#  phone_mobile       :string
-#  phone_personal     :string
-#  phone_professional :string
-#  slug               :string
-#  summary            :text
-#  tenure             :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  twitter            :string
-#  url                :string
-#  zipcode            :string
-#  created_at         :datetime         not null
-#  updated_at         :datetime         not null
-#  university_id      :uuid             not null, indexed
-#  user_id            :uuid             indexed
+#  id                    :uuid             not null, primary key
+#  address               :string
+#  biography             :text
+#  birthdate             :date
+#  city                  :string
+#  country               :string
+#  email                 :string
+#  first_name            :string
+#  gender                :integer
+#  habilitation          :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  hal_doc_identifier    :string
+#  hal_form_identifier   :string
+#  hal_person_identifier :string
+#  is_administration     :boolean
+#  is_alumnus            :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  is_author             :boolean
+#  is_researcher         :boolean
+#  is_teacher            :boolean
+#  last_name             :string
+#  linkedin              :string
+#  mastodon              :string
+#  meta_description      :text
+#  name                  :string
+#  phone_mobile          :string
+#  phone_personal        :string
+#  phone_professional    :string
+#  slug                  :string
+#  summary               :text
+#  tenure                :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  twitter               :string
+#  url                   :string
+#  zipcode               :string
+#  created_at            :datetime         not null
+#  updated_at            :datetime         not null
+#  university_id         :uuid             not null, indexed
+#  user_id               :uuid             indexed
 # Indexes
diff --git a/app/models/university/person/author.rb b/app/models/university/person/author.rb
index 71dbd704e4a2b25eb04d09b54429685e074461d1..3a875d33f05df556031caa3d72147c657390fcc8 100644
--- a/app/models/university/person/author.rb
+++ b/app/models/university/person/author.rb
@@ -2,38 +2,42 @@
 # Table name: university_people
-#  id                 :uuid             not null, primary key
-#  address            :string
-#  biography          :text
-#  birthdate          :date
-#  city               :string
-#  country            :string
-#  email              :string
-#  first_name         :string
-#  gender             :integer
-#  habilitation       :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  is_administration  :boolean
-#  is_alumnus         :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  is_author          :boolean
-#  is_researcher      :boolean
-#  is_teacher         :boolean
-#  last_name          :string
-#  linkedin           :string
-#  meta_description   :text
-#  name               :string
-#  phone_mobile       :string
-#  phone_personal     :string
-#  phone_professional :string
-#  slug               :string
-#  summary            :text
-#  tenure             :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  twitter            :string
-#  url                :string
-#  zipcode            :string
-#  created_at         :datetime         not null
-#  updated_at         :datetime         not null
-#  university_id      :uuid             not null, indexed
-#  user_id            :uuid             indexed
+#  id                    :uuid             not null, primary key
+#  address               :string
+#  biography             :text
+#  birthdate             :date
+#  city                  :string
+#  country               :string
+#  email                 :string
+#  first_name            :string
+#  gender                :integer
+#  habilitation          :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  hal_doc_identifier    :string
+#  hal_form_identifier   :string
+#  hal_person_identifier :string
+#  is_administration     :boolean
+#  is_alumnus            :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  is_author             :boolean
+#  is_researcher         :boolean
+#  is_teacher            :boolean
+#  last_name             :string
+#  linkedin              :string
+#  mastodon              :string
+#  meta_description      :text
+#  name                  :string
+#  phone_mobile          :string
+#  phone_personal        :string
+#  phone_professional    :string
+#  slug                  :string
+#  summary               :text
+#  tenure                :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  twitter               :string
+#  url                   :string
+#  zipcode               :string
+#  created_at            :datetime         not null
+#  updated_at            :datetime         not null
+#  university_id         :uuid             not null, indexed
+#  user_id               :uuid             indexed
 # Indexes
diff --git a/app/models/university/person/researcher.rb b/app/models/university/person/researcher.rb
index db8d3308be0db17c636298c3eade541da03c1b16..2a36ac0640951b40e287aa14b93a28e985caffe0 100644
--- a/app/models/university/person/researcher.rb
+++ b/app/models/university/person/researcher.rb
@@ -2,38 +2,42 @@
 # Table name: university_people
-#  id                 :uuid             not null, primary key
-#  address            :string
-#  biography          :text
-#  birthdate          :date
-#  city               :string
-#  country            :string
-#  email              :string
-#  first_name         :string
-#  gender             :integer
-#  habilitation       :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  is_administration  :boolean
-#  is_alumnus         :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  is_author          :boolean
-#  is_researcher      :boolean
-#  is_teacher         :boolean
-#  last_name          :string
-#  linkedin           :string
-#  meta_description   :text
-#  name               :string
-#  phone_mobile       :string
-#  phone_personal     :string
-#  phone_professional :string
-#  slug               :string
-#  summary            :text
-#  tenure             :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  twitter            :string
-#  url                :string
-#  zipcode            :string
-#  created_at         :datetime         not null
-#  updated_at         :datetime         not null
-#  university_id      :uuid             not null, indexed
-#  user_id            :uuid             indexed
+#  id                    :uuid             not null, primary key
+#  address               :string
+#  biography             :text
+#  birthdate             :date
+#  city                  :string
+#  country               :string
+#  email                 :string
+#  first_name            :string
+#  gender                :integer
+#  habilitation          :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  hal_doc_identifier    :string
+#  hal_form_identifier   :string
+#  hal_person_identifier :string
+#  is_administration     :boolean
+#  is_alumnus            :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  is_author             :boolean
+#  is_researcher         :boolean
+#  is_teacher            :boolean
+#  last_name             :string
+#  linkedin              :string
+#  mastodon              :string
+#  meta_description      :text
+#  name                  :string
+#  phone_mobile          :string
+#  phone_personal        :string
+#  phone_professional    :string
+#  slug                  :string
+#  summary               :text
+#  tenure                :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  twitter               :string
+#  url                   :string
+#  zipcode               :string
+#  created_at            :datetime         not null
+#  updated_at            :datetime         not null
+#  university_id         :uuid             not null, indexed
+#  user_id               :uuid             indexed
 # Indexes
diff --git a/app/models/university/person/teacher.rb b/app/models/university/person/teacher.rb
index 6dae6e68a4c8563da453dde91e2655dc0a7010d8..aaf4ac554a2374e8abf196c5bde1f22504106540 100644
--- a/app/models/university/person/teacher.rb
+++ b/app/models/university/person/teacher.rb
@@ -2,38 +2,42 @@
 # Table name: university_people
-#  id                 :uuid             not null, primary key
-#  address            :string
-#  biography          :text
-#  birthdate          :date
-#  city               :string
-#  country            :string
-#  email              :string
-#  first_name         :string
-#  gender             :integer
-#  habilitation       :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  is_administration  :boolean
-#  is_alumnus         :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  is_author          :boolean
-#  is_researcher      :boolean
-#  is_teacher         :boolean
-#  last_name          :string
-#  linkedin           :string
-#  meta_description   :text
-#  name               :string
-#  phone_mobile       :string
-#  phone_personal     :string
-#  phone_professional :string
-#  slug               :string
-#  summary            :text
-#  tenure             :boolean          default(FALSE)
-#  twitter            :string
-#  url                :string
-#  zipcode            :string
-#  created_at         :datetime         not null
-#  updated_at         :datetime         not null
-#  university_id      :uuid             not null, indexed
-#  user_id            :uuid             indexed
+#  id                    :uuid             not null, primary key
+#  address               :string
+#  biography             :text
+#  birthdate             :date
+#  city                  :string
+#  country               :string
+#  email                 :string
+#  first_name            :string
+#  gender                :integer
+#  habilitation          :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  hal_doc_identifier    :string
+#  hal_form_identifier   :string
+#  hal_person_identifier :string
+#  is_administration     :boolean
+#  is_alumnus            :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  is_author             :boolean
+#  is_researcher         :boolean
+#  is_teacher            :boolean
+#  last_name             :string
+#  linkedin              :string
+#  mastodon              :string
+#  meta_description      :text
+#  name                  :string
+#  phone_mobile          :string
+#  phone_personal        :string
+#  phone_professional    :string
+#  slug                  :string
+#  summary               :text
+#  tenure                :boolean          default(FALSE)
+#  twitter               :string
+#  url                   :string
+#  zipcode               :string
+#  created_at            :datetime         not null
+#  updated_at            :datetime         not null
+#  university_id         :uuid             not null, indexed
+#  user_id               :uuid             indexed
 # Indexes
diff --git a/app/services/contact_details/mastodon.rb b/app/services/contact_details/mastodon.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51f60f79693bab757ed00bcff6560a41ec307c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/services/contact_details/mastodon.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+class ContactDetails::Mastodon < ContactDetails::Website
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/admin/university/organizations/_form.html.erb b/app/views/admin/university/organizations/_form.html.erb
index 27ff1003ec04b56fe2d0215378d251c549f4e444..2332c6f6e9fc03c433bec16498fd98071ec85a2f 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/university/organizations/_form.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/admin/university/organizations/_form.html.erb
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
               <%= f.input :email %>
               <%= f.input :linkedin %>
               <%= f.input :twitter %>
+              <%= f.input :mastodon %>
diff --git a/app/views/admin/university/organizations/show.html.erb b/app/views/admin/university/organizations/show.html.erb
index 69532f016efea6e4aa51044e46c3c734e7ba3651..3bb0d28adcdaea22ba3b28566c283f7790b0510f 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/university/organizations/show.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/admin/university/organizations/show.html.erb
@@ -21,7 +21,12 @@
       <div class="card-body">
         <div class="row">
           <div class="col-md-6">
-            <% [:address, :zipcode, :city, :country].each do |property| %>
+            <% [
+                  :address, 
+                  :zipcode, 
+                  :city, 
+                  :country
+                ].each do |property| %>
               <% value = @organization.send property %>
               <% next if value.blank? %>
               <h3 class="h5">
@@ -39,7 +44,13 @@
                               target: :_blank %></p>
             <% end %>
-            <% [:phone, :email, :linkedin, :twitter].each do |property| %>
+            <% [
+                  :phone, 
+                  :email, 
+                  :linkedin, 
+                  :twitter, 
+                  :mastodon
+                ].each do |property| %>
               <% value = @organization.send property %>
               <% next if value.blank? %>
               <h3 class="h5">
diff --git a/app/views/admin/university/organizations/static.html.erb b/app/views/admin/university/organizations/static.html.erb
index 5f3c340a592ea110642faaf60ce098cbc858494f..50fe16931b7282fc64bd02e40628535ac5ee3b8f 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/university/organizations/static.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/admin/university/organizations/static.html.erb
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ contact_details:
 <%= render 'admin/application/static/contact_detail', variable: :website, data: @about.url, kind: ContactDetails::Website %>
 <%= render 'admin/application/static/contact_detail', variable: :linkedin, data: @about.linkedin, kind: ContactDetails::Linkedin %>
 <%= render 'admin/application/static/contact_detail', variable: :twitter, data: @about.twitter, kind: ContactDetails::Twitter %>
+<%= render 'admin/application/static/contact_detail', variable: :mastodon, data: @about.mastodon, kind: ContactDetails::Mastodon %>
 <%= render 'admin/application/static/contact_detail', variable: :phone, data: @about.phone, kind: ContactDetails::Phone %>
 <%= render 'admin/application/static/contact_detail', variable: :email, data: @about.email, kind: ContactDetails::Email %>
 <% if @about.logo.attached? %>
diff --git a/app/views/admin/university/people/_form.html.erb b/app/views/admin/university/people/_form.html.erb
index eb779753b07d82c90ced9616a05f1db067272520..1c96a3da2c6984d3350ab5ddfe775ee13e767e53 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/university/people/_form.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/admin/university/people/_form.html.erb
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
             <div class="col-md-6">
               <%= f.input :twitter %>
+              <%= f.input :mastodon %>
diff --git a/app/views/admin/university/people/_main_infos.html.erb b/app/views/admin/university/people/_main_infos.html.erb
index c5ba7226d311eb98ae327b8a8e8f5f89636fafe1..6ab39d44f189aae92cb461f60af9e395563f513f 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/university/people/_main_infos.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/admin/university/people/_main_infos.html.erb
@@ -54,7 +54,11 @@
           <% end %>
           <% unless person.twitter.blank? %>
             <h3 class="h5"><%= University::Person.human_attribute_name('twitter') %></h3>
-            <%= link_to person.twitter, "https://twitter.com/#{person.twitter}", target: '_blank' %>
+            <p><%= link_to person.twitter, "https://twitter.com/#{person.twitter}", target: '_blank' %></p>
+          <% end %>
+          <% unless person.mastodon.blank? %>
+            <h3 class="h5"><%= University::Person.human_attribute_name('mastodon') %></h3>
+            <p><%= link_to person.mastodon, person.mastodon, target: '_blank' %></p>
           <% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/admin/university/people/static.html.erb b/app/views/admin/university/people/static.html.erb
index 9aea1854f6a71db5ac097f49d5cfad135878895f..5c3cb9a62b35b7277bcaae1a9817a1384050b6f0 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/university/people/static.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/admin/university/people/static.html.erb
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ contact_details:
 <%= render 'admin/application/static/contact_detail', variable: :website, data: @about.url, kind: ContactDetails::Website %>
 <%= render 'admin/application/static/contact_detail', variable: :linkedin, data: @about.linkedin, kind: ContactDetails::Linkedin %>
 <%= render 'admin/application/static/contact_detail', variable: :twitter, data: @about.twitter, kind: ContactDetails::Twitter %>
+<%= render 'admin/application/static/contact_detail', variable: :mastodon, data: @about.mastodon, kind: ContactDetails::Mastodon %>
 <%= render 'admin/application/static/contact_detail', variable: :phone, data: @about.phone_mobile, kind: ContactDetails::Phone %>
 <%= render 'admin/application/static/contact_detail', variable: :email, data: @about.email, kind: ContactDetails::Email %>
 <% if @about.best_picture.attached? %>
diff --git a/db/migrate/20230118155630_add_mastodon_to_persons_and_organizations.rb b/db/migrate/20230118155630_add_mastodon_to_persons_and_organizations.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..200bf80657ce3370ea3add0ba89bae0fa8bcd4dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20230118155630_add_mastodon_to_persons_and_organizations.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+class AddMastodonToPersonsAndOrganizations < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
+  def change
+    add_column :university_people, :mastodon, :string
+    add_column :university_organizations, :mastodon, :string
+  end
diff --git a/db/schema.rb b/db/schema.rb
index 042e3b820bbf50485f0917f9fb22c68a9f5e1463..317c9d831a3e1be7975386c68e4ad29d4038bd0d 100644
--- a/db/schema.rb
+++ b/db/schema.rb
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system.
-ActiveRecord::Schema[7.0].define(version: 2023_01_12_151136) do
+ActiveRecord::Schema[7.0].define(version: 2023_01_18_155630) do
   # These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database
   enable_extension "pgcrypto"
   enable_extension "plpgsql"
@@ -639,6 +639,13 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema[7.0].define(version: 2023_01_12_151136) do
     t.index ["university_id"], name: "index_research_laboratories_on_university_id"
+  create_table "research_laboratories_publications", id: false, force: :cascade do |t|
+    t.uuid "research_publication_id", null: false
+    t.uuid "research_laboratory_id", null: false
+    t.index ["research_laboratory_id", "research_publication_id"], name: "index_laboratory_publication"
+    t.index ["research_publication_id", "research_laboratory_id"], name: "index_publication_laboratory"
+  end
   create_table "research_laboratory_axes", id: :uuid, default: -> { "public.gen_random_uuid()" }, force: :cascade do |t|
     t.uuid "university_id", null: false
     t.uuid "research_laboratory_id", null: false
@@ -653,6 +660,27 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema[7.0].define(version: 2023_01_12_151136) do
     t.index ["university_id"], name: "index_research_laboratory_axes_on_university_id"
+  create_table "research_publications", id: :uuid, default: -> { "gen_random_uuid()" }, force: :cascade do |t|
+    t.string "docid"
+    t.jsonb "data"
+    t.string "title"
+    t.string "url"
+    t.string "ref"
+    t.datetime "created_at", null: false
+    t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
+    t.string "hal_url"
+    t.date "publication_date"
+    t.string "doi"
+    t.string "slug"
+  end
+  create_table "research_publications_university_people", id: false, force: :cascade do |t|
+    t.uuid "research_publication_id", null: false
+    t.uuid "university_person_id", null: false
+    t.index ["research_publication_id", "university_person_id"], name: "index_publication_person"
+    t.index ["university_person_id", "research_publication_id"], name: "index_person_publication"
+  end
   create_table "research_theses", id: :uuid, default: -> { "public.gen_random_uuid()" }, force: :cascade do |t|
     t.uuid "university_id", null: false
     t.uuid "research_laboratory_id", null: false
@@ -719,6 +747,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema[7.0].define(version: 2023_01_12_151136) do
     t.text "summary"
     t.string "twitter"
     t.string "linkedin"
+    t.string "mastodon"
     t.index ["university_id"], name: "index_university_organizations_on_university_id"
@@ -754,6 +783,10 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema[7.0].define(version: 2023_01_12_151136) do
     t.string "zipcode"
     t.string "city"
     t.string "country"
+    t.string "hal_person_identifier"
+    t.string "hal_doc_identifier"
+    t.string "hal_form_identifier"
+    t.string "mastodon"
     t.index ["university_id"], name: "index_university_people_on_university_id"
     t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_university_people_on_user_id"
diff --git a/test/fixtures/university/organizations.yml b/test/fixtures/university/organizations.yml
index 7bad432bc294342a1eaf61137235253e05bc8c9a..a684cda0bc2ac7ee17bc8505652fb23c069af8b6 100644
--- a/test/fixtures/university/organizations.yml
+++ b/test/fixtures/university/organizations.yml
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #  kind             :integer          default("company")
 #  linkedin         :string
 #  long_name        :string
+#  mastodon         :string
 #  meta_description :text
 #  name             :string
 #  nic              :string
diff --git a/test/models/university/organization_test.rb b/test/models/university/organization_test.rb
index 051333211e94bc132746bef850713dab3111021b..56f0523c14d85df0edb489caebaad3ebb0d13d0a 100644
--- a/test/models/university/organization_test.rb
+++ b/test/models/university/organization_test.rb
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #  kind             :integer          default("company")
 #  linkedin         :string
 #  long_name        :string
+#  mastodon         :string
 #  meta_description :text
 #  name             :string
 #  nic              :string