diff --git a/app/models/concerns/importable.rb b/app/models/concerns/importable.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e2976a1a2c9b7db5f8a6668628923a241e5333cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/models/concerns/importable.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-module Importable
-  extend ActiveSupport::Concern
-  included do
-    belongs_to :user
-    has_one_attached :file
-    after_commit :parse_async
-  end
-  def lines
-    csv.count
-  rescue
-    'NA'
-  end
-  def to_s
-    "#{user}, #{I18n.l created_at}"
-  end
-  protected
-  def parse_async
-    parse
-  end
-  handle_asynchronously :parse_async, queue: 'default'
-  def parse
-    raise NotImplementedError
-  end
-  def csv
-    @csv ||= CSV.parse file.blob.download, headers: true
-  end
diff --git a/app/models/university/organization/import.rb b/app/models/university/organization/import.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 46f51178f73850836e626576f74352c27404124d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/models/university/organization/import.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# == Schema Information
-# Table name: university_organization_imports
-#  id            :uuid             not null, primary key
-#  created_at    :datetime         not null
-#  updated_at    :datetime         not null
-#  university_id :uuid             not null, indexed
-#  user_id       :uuid             not null, indexed
-# Indexes
-#  index_university_organization_imports_on_university_id  (university_id)
-#  index_university_organization_imports_on_user_id        (user_id)
-# Foreign Keys
-#  fk_rails_31152af0cd  (university_id => universities.id)
-#  fk_rails_da057ff44d  (user_id => users.id)
-class University::Organization::Import < ApplicationRecord
-  include WithUniversity
-  belongs_to :user
-  has_one_attached :file
-  after_save :parse
-  def lines
-    csv.count
-  rescue
-    'NA'
-  end
-  def to_s
-    "#{user}, #{I18n.l created_at}"
-  end
-  protected
-  def parse
-    csv.each do |row|
-      university.organizations.where(university: university, name: row['name']).first_or_create do |o|
-        [
-          :long_name,
-          :kind,
-          :siren,
-          :nic,
-          :description,
-          :address,
-          :zipcode,
-          :city,
-          :country,
-          :email,
-          :phone,
-          :url,
-        ].each do |property|
-          o[property] = row[property.to_s]
-        end
-        o.kind ||= :company
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  handle_asynchronously :parse, queue: 'default'
-  def csv
-    @csv ||= CSV.parse file.blob.download, headers: true
-  end
diff --git a/app/models/university/person/alumnus/import.rb b/app/models/university/person/alumnus/import.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 43e09d84c535aea87095ba0e7a799619369d8d39..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/models/university/person/alumnus/import.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# == Schema Information
-# Table name: university_person_alumnus_imports
-#  id            :uuid             not null, primary key
-#  created_at    :datetime         not null
-#  updated_at    :datetime         not null
-#  university_id :uuid             not null, indexed
-#  user_id       :uuid             not null, indexed
-# Indexes
-#  index_university_person_alumnus_imports_on_university_id  (university_id)
-#  index_university_person_alumnus_imports_on_user_id        (user_id)
-# Foreign Keys
-#  fk_rails_3ff74ac195  (user_id => users.id)
-#  fk_rails_d14eb003f9  (university_id => universities.id)
-class University::Person::Alumnus::Import < ApplicationRecord
-  include WithUniversity
-  include Importable
-  def self.table_name
-    'university_person_alumnus_imports'
-  end
-  protected
-  def parse
-    csv.each do |row|
-      person = import_person row
-      next unless person
-      import_cohort row, person
-      organization = import_organization row
-      next unless organization
-      import_experience row, person, organization
-    end
-  end
-  def import_person(row)
-    first_name = clean_encoding row['first_name']
-    last_name = clean_encoding row['last_name']
-    email = clean_encoding(row['mail']).to_s.downcase
-    return if first_name.blank? && last_name.blank? && email.blank?
-    url = clean_encoding row['url']
-    if email.present?
-      person = university.people
-                         .where(email: email)
-                         .first_or_create
-      person.first_name = first_name
-      person.last_name = last_name
-    elsif first_name.present? && last_name.present?
-      person = university.people
-                         .where(first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name)
-                         .first_or_create
-    end
-    return if person.nil?
-    # TODO all fields
-    # gender
-    # birth
-    # address
-    # zipcode
-    # city
-    # country
-    person.is_alumnus = true
-    person.url = url
-    person.slug = person.to_s.parameterize.dasherize
-    person.twitter ||= row['social_twitter']
-    person.linkedin ||= row['social_linkedin']
-    person.biography ||= clean_encoding row['biography']
-    person.phone ||= row['mobile']
-    person.phone ||= row['phone_personal']
-    person.phone ||= row['phone_professional']
-    byebug unless person.valid?
-    person.save
-    add_picture person, row['photo']
-    person
-  end
-  def import_cohort(row, person)
-    program = program_with_id row['program']
-    return if program.nil?
-    academic_year = university.academic_years
-                              .where(year: row['year'])
-                              .first_or_create
-    cohort = university.education_cohorts
-                       .where(program: program, academic_year: academic_year)
-                       .first_or_create
-    person.add_to_cohort cohort
-  end
-  def import_organization(row)
-    name = clean_encoding row['company_name']
-    siren = clean_encoding row['company_siren']
-    nic = clean_encoding row['company_nic']
-    return if name.blank?
-    if !siren.blank? && !nic.blank?
-      organization = university.organizations
-                               .find_by siren: siren,
-                                        nic: nic
-    elsif !siren.blank?
-      organization ||= university.organizations
-                               .find_by siren: siren
-    end
-    organization ||= university.organizations
-                               .find_by name: name
-    organization ||= university.organizations
-                               .where( name: name,
-                                       siren: siren,
-                                       nic: nic)
-                               .first_or_create
-    organization
-  end
-  def import_experience(row, person, organization)
-    job = row['experience_job']
-    from = row['experience_from']
-    to = row['experience_to']
-    experience = person.experiences
-                       .where(university: university,
-                              organization: organization,
-                              from_year: from)
-                       .first_or_create
-    experience.description = job
-    experience.to_year = to
-    experience.save
-    experience
-  end
-  def add_picture(person, photo)
-    return if photo.nil?
-    return if person.picture.attached?
-    return unless photo.end_with?('.jpg') || photo.end_with?('.png')
-    begin
-      file = URI.open photo
-      filename = File.basename photo
-      person.picture.attach(io: file, filename: filename)
-    rescue
-    end
-  end
-  def program_with_id(id)
-    if Rails.env.development?
-      # substitute local data for testing
-      substitutes = {
-        # Arnaud
-        'c6b78fac-0a5f-4c44-ad22-4ee68ed382bb' => '23279cab-8bc1-4c75-bcd8-1fccaa03ad55', # DUT MMI
-        'ae3e067a-63b4-4c3f-ba9c-468ade0e4182' => '863b8c9c-1ed1-4af7-b92c-7264dfb6b4da', # MASTER IJBA
-        'f4d4a92f-8b8f-4778-a127-9293684666be' => '8dfaee2a-c876-4b1c-8e4e-8380d720c71f', # DU_BILINGUE
-        '6df53074-195c-4299-8b49-bbc9d7cad41a' => 'be3cb0b2-7f66-4c5f-b8d7-6a39a0480c46', # DU_JRI
-        '0d81d3a2-a12c-4326-a395-fd0df4a3ea4f' => '56a50383-3ef7-43f6-8e98-daf279e86802' # DUT_JOURNALISME
-        # Alex
-        # 'c6b78fac-0a5f-4c44-ad22-4ee68ed382bb' => '02e6f703-d15b-4841-ac95-3c47d88e21b5', # DUT MMI
-        # 'ae3e067a-63b4-4c3f-ba9c-468ade0e4182' => '8fdfafb7-11fd-456c-9f47-7fd76dddb373', # MASTER IJBA
-        # 'f4d4a92f-8b8f-4778-a127-9293684666be' => 'fab9b86c-8872-4df5-9a97-0e30b104a837', # DU_BILINGUE
-        # '6df53074-195c-4299-8b49-bbc9d7cad41a' => 'cb1a26b9-fe5c-4ad1-9715-71cec4642910', # DU_JRI
-        # '0d81d3a2-a12c-4326-a395-fd0df4a3ea4f' => '91c44fd2-f0a4-4189-a3f5-311322b7b472' # DUT_JOURNALISME
-        # Sebou
-        # 'c6b78fac-0a5f-4c44-ad22-4ee68ed382bb' => 'ea5d32be-b86a-4257-984a-4d84717dd1d6', # DUT MMI
-        # 'ae3e067a-63b4-4c3f-ba9c-468ade0e4182' => '701c3a4f-3585-4152-b866-da17f4e80e77', # MASTER IJBA
-        # 'f4d4a92f-8b8f-4778-a127-9293684666be' => '0c05b690-ebd1-4efa-862c-81ea0978fb0b', # DU_BILINGUE
-        # '6df53074-195c-4299-8b49-bbc9d7cad41a' => '4ded6dfa-2fab-4e77-b58d-0d97344a04d1', # DU_JRI
-        # '0d81d3a2-a12c-4326-a395-fd0df4a3ea4f' => '4edac5cd-6564-4e47-a18c-960d3e5de54e' # DUT_JOURNALISME
-      }
-      id = substitutes[id] if substitutes.has_key? id
-    end
-    university.education_programs.find_by(id: id)
-  end
-  def clean_encoding(value)
-    return if value.nil?
-    if value.encoding != 'UTF-8'
-      value = value.force_encoding 'UTF-8'
-    end
-    value.strip
-  end
diff --git a/app/models/university/with_people_and_organizations.rb b/app/models/university/with_people_and_organizations.rb
index d543dcbc338c7725159976683c8fc4982b7bfbea..ac0d78e4c340b3f0f7e7b083e5a38e4aee2445ee 100644
--- a/app/models/university/with_people_and_organizations.rb
+++ b/app/models/university/with_people_and_organizations.rb
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ module University::WithPeopleAndOrganizations
               class_name: 'University::Organization',
               dependent: :destroy
     alias_attribute :organizations, :university_organizations
diff --git a/app/services/importers/alumni.rb b/app/services/importers/alumni.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87811d3144dde8f68a714ddae61720242863e3c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/services/importers/alumni.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+module Importers
+  class Alumni < Base
+    protected
+    def analyze_hash(hash, index)
+      hash_to_alumnus = HashToAlumnus.new(@university, hash)
+      add_error(hash_to_alumnus.error, index + 1) unless hash_to_alumnus.valid?
+    end
+  end
+  class HashToAlumnus
+    def initialize(university, hash)
+      @university = university
+      @hash = hash
+      @error = nil
+      # extract_variables
+      # save if valid?
+    end
+    def valid?
+      return true
+      # if country_not_found?
+      #   @error = "Country #{@country} not found"
+      # elsif !organization.valid?
+      #   @error = "Unable to create the organization: #{organization.errors.full_messages}"
+      # end
+      # @error.nil?
+    end
+    def error
+      @error
+    end
+    def organization_name
+      @organization_name ||= @hash[0].to_s.strip
+    end
+    protected
+    def extract_variables
+      @long_name = @hash[1].to_s.strip
+      @kind = @hash[2].to_s.strip
+      @siren = @hash[3].to_s.strip
+      @nic = @hash[4].to_s.strip
+      @description = @hash[5].to_s.strip
+      @address = @hash[6].to_s.strip
+      @zipcode = @hash[7].to_s.strip
+      @city = @hash[8].to_s.strip
+      @country = @hash[9].to_s.strip
+      @email = @hash[10].to_s.strip
+      @phone = @hash[11].to_s.strip
+      @url = @hash[12].to_s.strip
+    end
+    def country_not_found?
+      ISO3166::Country[@country].nil?
+    end
+    def organization
+      unless @organization
+        @organization = University::Organization.where(university_id: @university.id, name: organization_name).first_or_initialize
+        @organization.long_name = @long_name
+        @organization.kind = @kind.to_sym
+        @organization.siren = @siren
+        @organization.nic = @nic
+        @organization.description = @description
+        @organization.address = @address
+        @organization.zipcode = @zipcode
+        @organization.city = @city
+        @organization.country = @country
+        @organization.email = @email
+        @organization.phone = @phone
+        @organization.url = @url
+      end
+      @organization
+    end
+    def save
+      organization.save
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/db/migrate/20220523172753_remove_unused_imports_tables.rb b/db/migrate/20220523172753_remove_unused_imports_tables.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2682a07ca11339962a63c6ccc1b1f5c9925dc439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20220523172753_remove_unused_imports_tables.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+class RemoveUnusedImportsTables < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
+  def change
+    drop_table :university_organization_imports
+    drop_table :university_person_alumnus_imports
+  end
diff --git a/db/schema.rb b/db/schema.rb
index f00d75039f7e82ba28958e26186179d26e6b306f..5d00fa8ee7a9a0cc54c84b41962d496d999c5313 100644
--- a/db/schema.rb
+++ b/db/schema.rb
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 # It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system.
-ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2022_05_23_102030) do
+ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2022_05_23_172753) do
   # These are extensions that must be enabled in order to support this database
   enable_extension "pgcrypto"
@@ -651,15 +651,6 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2022_05_23_102030) do
     t.jsonb "sso_mapping"
-  create_table "university_organization_imports", id: :uuid, default: -> { "gen_random_uuid()" }, force: :cascade do |t|
-    t.uuid "university_id", null: false
-    t.uuid "user_id", null: false
-    t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
-    t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
-    t.index ["university_id"], name: "index_university_organization_imports_on_university_id"
-    t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_university_organization_imports_on_user_id"
-  end
   create_table "university_organizations", id: :uuid, default: -> { "gen_random_uuid()" }, force: :cascade do |t|
     t.uuid "university_id", null: false
     t.string "name"
@@ -711,15 +702,6 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2022_05_23_102030) do
     t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_university_people_on_user_id"
-  create_table "university_person_alumnus_imports", id: :uuid, default: -> { "gen_random_uuid()" }, force: :cascade do |t|
-    t.uuid "university_id", null: false
-    t.uuid "user_id", null: false
-    t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false
-    t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false
-    t.index ["university_id"], name: "index_university_person_alumnus_imports_on_university_id"
-    t.index ["user_id"], name: "index_university_person_alumnus_imports_on_user_id"
-  end
   create_table "university_person_experiences", id: :uuid, default: -> { "gen_random_uuid()" }, force: :cascade do |t|
     t.uuid "university_id", null: false
     t.uuid "person_id", null: false
@@ -872,13 +854,9 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 2022_05_23_102030) do
   add_foreign_key "research_theses", "universities"
   add_foreign_key "research_theses", "university_people", column: "author_id"
   add_foreign_key "research_theses", "university_people", column: "director_id"
-  add_foreign_key "university_organization_imports", "universities"
-  add_foreign_key "university_organization_imports", "users"
   add_foreign_key "university_organizations", "universities"
   add_foreign_key "university_people", "universities"
   add_foreign_key "university_people", "users"
-  add_foreign_key "university_person_alumnus_imports", "universities"
-  add_foreign_key "university_person_alumnus_imports", "users"
   add_foreign_key "university_person_experiences", "universities"
   add_foreign_key "university_person_experiences", "university_organizations", column: "organization_id"
   add_foreign_key "university_person_experiences", "university_people", column: "person_id"