namespace :app do desc 'Start server' task :start do sh 'yarn' sh 'rails tmp:cache:clear' sh 'rails server' end desc 'Fix things' task fix: :environment do end namespace :websites do desc "Refresh access token for Communication Websites." task refresh_tokens: :environment do options = {} option_parser = option_parser.banner = "Usage: rake app:websites:refresh_tokens -- --old ghp_oldtoken --new ghp_newtoken" option_parser.on("-o OLDTOKEN", "--old OLDTOKEN") do |old_access_token| options[:old_access_token] = old_access_token end option_parser.on("-n NEWTOKEN", "--new NEWTOKEN") do |new_access_token| options[:new_access_token] = new_access_token end args = option_parser.order!(ARGV) {} option_parser.parse!(args) websites = Communication::Website.where(access_token: options[:old_access_token]) websites.each { |website| puts "Refreshing token for « #{website} »" website.update_column :access_token, options[:new_access_token] } exit 0 end end namespace :db do desc 'Get database from Scalingo' task :staging do Bundler.with_unbundled_env do Figaro.load # Load ENV variables # Get a new backup archive from Scalingo # PG Addon ID from `scalingo addons` CLI command. sh "scalingo --app #{ENV['OSUNY_STAGING_APP_NAME']} backups-create --addon #{ENV['OSUNY_STAGING_PG_ADDON_ID']}" sh "scalingo --app #{ENV['OSUNY_STAGING_APP_NAME']} backups-download --addon #{ENV['OSUNY_STAGING_PG_ADDON_ID']} --output db/scalingo-dump.tar.gz" sh 'rm -f db/latest.dump' # Remove an old backup file if it exists sh 'tar zxvf db/scalingo-dump.tar.gz -C db/' # Extract the new backup archive sh 'rm db/scalingo-dump.tar.gz' # Remove the backup archive sh 'mv db/*.pgsql db/latest.dump' # Rename the backup file sh 'DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1 bundle exec rails db:drop' sh 'bundle exec rails db:create' begin sh 'pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U postgres -d osuny_development db/latest.dump' rescue 'There were some warnings or errors while restoring' end sh 'rails db:migrate' sh 'rails db:seed' end end end end