# Setup

As Osuny is multi-university, we need ways to:
- deploy university to production (even without website yet)
- deploy university to staging
- work locally on a specific university

And as each university is multi-website, we need ways to:
- deploy website to production
- deploy website to staging
- work locally on a specific website

## Production

git remote add production git@ssh.osc-fr1.scalingo.com:osuny-production.git

- https://demo.osuny.org
- https://bordeauxmontaigne.osuny.org
- https://clermontauvergne.osuny.org

## Staging

No setup to do, it's auto-deployed from Github.

- https://demo.osuny.dev
- https://bordeauxmontaigne.osuny.dev
- https://clermontauvergne.osuny.dev

## Dev

The solution is to set up a host.

```       demo.osuny       bordeauxmontaigne.osuny       clermontauvergne.osuny

Then we have access on:
- http://demo.osuny:3000
- http://bordeauxmontaigne.osuny:3000
- http://clermontauvergne.osuny:3000