diff --git a/assets/js/theme/blocks/timeline.js b/assets/js/theme/blocks/timeline.js
index 1cab898f388b1f5a5f0da6f2353673f115a033e1..bf8b9ac97730155bc496a8aa790628f7cc4f825e 100644
--- a/assets/js/theme/blocks/timeline.js
+++ b/assets/js/theme/blocks/timeline.js
@@ -68,21 +68,21 @@ class BlockTimeline {
             threshold = 30,
             isPointerDown = false;
-        this.content.style.touchAction = 'pan-y';
+        this.block.style.touchAction = 'pan-y';
-        this.content.addEventListener('pointerdown', (event) => {
+        this.block.addEventListener('pointerdown', (event) => {
             startX = event.clientX;
             isPointerDown = true;
-        this.content.addEventListener('pointermove', (event) => {
+        this.block.addEventListener('pointermove', (event) => {
             this.isManipulated = isPointerDown;
             endX = event.clientX;
         endEvents.forEach(event => {
-            this.content.addEventListener(event, (event) => {
+            this.block.addEventListener(event, (event) => {
                 isPointerDown = false;
                 this.onManipulationEnd(startX, endX, threshold);
diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/blocks/video.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/blocks/video.sass
index e79ec1594427eb3e43a320f95f46e381d1521f3a..6ef2f0de51ee3616d0e5cfe722c7701dc43aa4fe 100644
--- a/assets/sass/_theme/blocks/video.sass
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/blocks/video.sass
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@
     @include in-page-without-sidebar
         background: $block-video-background
-        margin-top: 0
             @include grid(12, false, 0)
             padding-top: $block-space-y
diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/design-system/hero.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/design-system/hero.sass
index fb04b2d64ed700f3c5ecab17711ed15b62884462..0de31f97c3a2601d28c8500954c380cc3b87050e 100644
--- a/assets/sass/_theme/design-system/hero.sass
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/design-system/hero.sass
@@ -16,9 +16,8 @@
         align-items: start
         padding-top: $spacing-5
-        > h1, > hgroup
+        .hero-text
             margin-top: $spacing-5
         h1 + p
             margin-top: $spacing-3
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@
             padding-bottom: 0
-                > h1, > hgroup
+                .hero-text
                     margin-bottom: $spacing-4
@@ -65,14 +64,13 @@
                 margin-bottom: calc(#{-$spacing-7} + #{$spacing-4})
     @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-        .content
-            > h1, > hgroup
-                width: columns(9)
+        .hero-text
+            width: columns(9)
                 display: flex
                 justify-content: space-between
-                > h1, > hgroup
+                .hero-text
                     width: columns(7)
                     width: columns(5)
@@ -84,7 +82,7 @@
                     padding-right: 10%
-                > h1, > hgroup
+                .hero-text
                     width: columns(8)
                     width: columns(3)
diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/papers.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/papers.sass
index 574767937ed7a93b42c19d4bfb260b246b2721fe..427cbf18dd1546f1c6b75c7911037686f5e62e45 100644
--- a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/papers.sass
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/papers.sass
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
     @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-                > h1, > hgroup
+                .hero-text
                     width: auto
             > div
diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass
index 92ee9eb063167e564622f316b2a505f51026502e..7f743c2a9924e8d265deb0cb52e375298d6e76e0 100644
--- a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass
@@ -1,38 +1,3 @@
-    .top
-        h2
-            a
-                @include icon(arrow-right, after, true)
-                    display: inline-flex
-                    margin-left: $spacing-1
-                    transition: transform .3s ease
-                &:hover::after
-                    transform: translateX($spacing-2)
-    // TODO : voir comment gérer les marges comme pour les blocs (pb footer)
-    section
-        padding-bottom: var(--grid-gutter)
-    ol.programs
-        li
-            justify-content: flex-start
-            @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-                @include grid(2)
-            @include icon(arrow-right, after, true)
-                color: inherit
-                position: absolute
-                right: 0
-                top: 1.5em
-            a
-                color: inherit
-                @include stretched-link(before)
-                @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
-                    margin-right: $spacing-3
-            p
-                margin-top: unset
-                &:nth-child(2)
-                    @include small
-            &:hover
-                color: var(--color-accent)
     @include article
     word-break: break-word
@@ -162,10 +127,12 @@ ol.persons--list
+        figure
+            @extend .avatar
         @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
             padding-bottom: 0
             margin-bottom: $spacing-6
-            .avatar
+            figure
                 width: columns(6)
                 margin-top: $spacing-3
                 margin-left: auto
@@ -173,7 +140,7 @@ ol.persons--list
                 margin-top: calc(#{$spacing-3} - 100px)
         @include media-breakpoint-down(sm)
             margin-bottom: $spacing-6
-            .avatar
+            figure
                 transform: translateY(18vw)
                 margin-top: calc(#{$spacing-3} - 18vw)
         @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
@@ -185,7 +152,7 @@ ol.persons--list
                     margin-bottom: 0
                     width: columns(8)
-                .avatar
+                figure
                     margin-bottom: 0
                     width: columns(3)
@@ -197,9 +164,39 @@ ol.persons--list
         margin-top: $spacing-5
         > * + *
             margin-top: $spacing-5
+        .top h2 a
+            @include icon(arrow-right, after, true)
+                display: inline-flex
+                margin-left: $spacing-1
+                transition: transform .3s ease
+            &:hover::after
+                transform: translateX($spacing-2)
             margin-bottom: 0
+    section
+        padding-bottom: $spacing-5
+    ol.programs
+        li
+            justify-content: flex-start
+            @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
+                @include grid(2)
+            @include icon(arrow-right, after, true)
+                color: inherit
+                position: absolute
+                right: 0
+                top: 1.5em
+            a
+                color: inherit
+                @include stretched-link(before)
+                @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
+                    margin-right: $spacing-3
+            p
+                margin-top: unset
+                &:nth-child(2)
+                    @include small
+            &:hover
+                color: var(--color-accent)
     @include media-breakpoint-down(lg)
             margin-top: $spacing-4
diff --git a/bin/osuny.js b/bin/osuny.js
index ae7ed8de293f0d9b3f6ca537e5afee5fef6fac59..15ff7e685afe69c3073ee87680832a6b354fa41e 100644
--- a/bin/osuny.js
+++ b/bin/osuny.js
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ if (command === "dev") {
 if (command === "build") {
     execute("yarn upgrade");
-    execute("hugo");
+    execute("hugo --minify");
     execute("npm_config_yes=true npx pagefind --site 'public' --exclude-selectors '" + pagefindExclude + "'");
diff --git a/layouts/partials/diplomas/essential.html b/layouts/partials/diplomas/essential.html
index 2f83ffad344502b63f05ccfd6f3402a52f84cdd9..63ee13a5a7130c9029a27ea1bf396ed924984bab 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/diplomas/essential.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/diplomas/essential.html
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
-{{- with . -}}
-  <dl class="essential">
-    {{- if .Params.level -}}
-      <dt>{{ i18n "programs.level" }}</dt>
-      <dd>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.level }}</dd>
-    {{- end -}}
-    {{- if .Params.duration -}}
-      <dt>{{ i18n "programs.duration" }}</dt>
-      <dd>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.duration }}</dd>
-    {{- end -}}
-    {{- if .Params.ects -}}
-      <dt>{{ i18n "programs.ects_credits" }}</dt>
-      <dd>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.ects }}</dd>
-    {{- end -}}
-  </dl>
-{{- end -}}
+<div class="essential-container" id="#{{ urlize (i18n "programs.toc.essential") }}">
+  <div class="container">
+    <dl class="essential">
+      {{- if .Params.level -}}
+        <dt>{{ i18n "programs.level" }}</dt>
+        <dd>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.level }}</dd>
+      {{- end -}}
+      {{- if .Params.duration -}}
+        <dt>{{ i18n "programs.duration" }}</dt>
+        <dd>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.duration }}</dd>
+      {{- end -}}
+      {{- if .Params.ects -}}
+        <dt>{{ i18n "programs.ects_credits" }}</dt>
+        <dd>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.ects }}</dd>
+      {{- end -}}
+    </dl>
+  </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layouts/partials/diplomas/hero-single.html b/layouts/partials/diplomas/hero-single.html
index c45f7fb492f4beff68e818d18d512630ca48d1ca..b6b5481cdd7bd4a0dbb4764e514b5f8a9c3133dc 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/diplomas/hero-single.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/diplomas/hero-single.html
@@ -1,60 +1,9 @@
-{{- $breadcrumb_is_after_hero := eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "after-hero" -}}
 {{- $title := or .Params.header_text .Title -}}
-{{ $subtitle := "" }}
-{{- $summary := .Params.summary | safeHTML -}}
-{{ if and (eq site.Params.summary.position "hero") $summary }}
-  {{ $subtitle = $summary }}
-{{ end }}
-<header class="hero {{ if $breadcrumb_is_after_hero -}} hero--no-margin {{- end }}">
-  <div class="container">
-    {{- if eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "hero-start" -}}
-      {{- if .Params.breadcrumb | default true -}}
-        {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" . }}
-      {{- end -}}
-    {{- end -}}
-    <div class="content">
-      {{- if $subtitle -}}
-        <hgroup>
-          <h1>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" $title }}</h1>
-          <p class="lead">{{ partial "PrepareHTML" $subtitle }}</p>
-        </hgroup>
-      {{- else -}}
-        <h1>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" $title }}</h1>
-      {{- end -}}
-      {{- if .Params.image }}
-        <figure>
-          {{ partial "commons/image.html"
-            (dict
-              "image"    .image
-              "sizes"    site.Params.image_sizes.sections.diplomas.hero_single
-            ) }}
-          {{ if .image.credit }}
-            <figcaption>
-              {{- partial "PrepareHTML" .image.credit -}}
-            </figcaption>
-          {{ end }}
-        </figure>
-      {{ end -}}
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="essential-container" id="#{{ urlize (i18n "programs.toc.essential") }}">
-    <div class="container">
-      {{- partial "diplomas/essential" . -}}
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  {{- if eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "hero-end" -}}
-    {{- if .Params.breadcrumb | default true -}}
-      {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" . }}
-    {{- end -}}
-  {{- end -}}
-{{- if $breadcrumb_is_after_hero -}}
-  {{- if .Params.breadcrumb | default true -}}
-    <div class="container breadcrumb-container">
-      {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" . }}
-    </div>
-  {{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
\ No newline at end of file
+{{ partial "header/hero.html"
+      (dict
+        "title" $title
+        "image" .Params.image
+        "sizes" site.Params.image_sizes.sections.home.hero
+        "context" .
+        "hero_complement" "diplomas/essential.html"
+      )}}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/footer/debug.html b/layouts/partials/footer/debug.html
index 552c4b804ad7b4c323268bae0aa8ec3d4c7006fe..86fc5ac335c3293104e5a8f1b37a3bab76fdc987 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/footer/debug.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/footer/debug.html
@@ -274,7 +274,11 @@
   function openInProd() {
-    console.log('{{ .Site.BaseURL }}')
+    // To use this debug method, add params.productionUrl key to your hugo config.yaml
+    const productionUrl = "{{ site.Params.debug.productionUrl }}";
+    if (productionUrl) {
+      window.open(`${productionUrl}${window.location.pathname}`);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layouts/partials/header/hero.html b/layouts/partials/header/hero.html
index 78fe93990d0d4d01863efb7f7e72523f2d24b740..af41832f8819bbdb1fd31807c30c793996d19964 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/header/hero.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/header/hero.html
@@ -1,51 +1,59 @@
-{{- $direction := "" -}}
-{{- $breadcrumb_is_after_hero := eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "after-hero"  -}}
-{{- $subtitle := .subtitle -}}
-{{- $description := .description -}}
+{{ $direction := "" }}
+{{ $breadcrumb_is_after_hero := eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "after-hero" }}
+{{ $display_breadcrumb := .breadcrumb | default true }}
+{{ $subtitle := .subtitle }}
+{{ $description := .description }}
 {{ if .image }}
-  {{- $direction = partial "GetImageDirection" .image -}}
+  {{ $direction = partial "GetImageDirection" .image }}
 {{ end }}
-{{- $summary := .context.Params.summary | safeHTML -}}
-{{- $subtitle_is_summary := false -}}
+{{ $summary := .context.Params.summary | safeHTML }}
+{{ $subtitle_is_summary := false }}
 {{ if not $subtitle }}
   {{ if and (eq site.Params.summary.position "hero") $summary }}
-   {{ $subtitle = $summary }}
-   {{ $subtitle_is_summary = true }}
+    {{ $subtitle = $summary }}
+    {{ $subtitle_is_summary = true }}
   {{ end }}
 {{ end }}
-<header class="hero {{ if .image -}}hero--with-image hero--image-{{- $direction -}}{{- end }} {{ if $breadcrumb_is_after_hero -}} hero--no-margin {{- end }}">
+<header class="hero {{ if .image }}hero--with-image hero--image-{{- $direction }}{{ end }} {{ if $breadcrumb_is_after_hero }} hero--no-margin {{ end }}">
   <div class="container">
-    {{- if eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "hero-start" -}}
-      {{- if .breadcrumb | default true -}}
-        {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" .context }}
-      {{- end -}}
-    {{- end -}}
+    {{ if and $display_breadcrumb (eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "hero-start") }}
+      {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" .context }}
+    {{ end }}
     <div class="content">
-      {{- if or $subtitle $description -}}
-        <hgroup>
+      <div class="hero-text">
+        {{ if or $subtitle $description }}
+          <hgroup>
+            <h1>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .title }}</h1>
+            {{ if $subtitle }}
+              <p {{ if $subtitle_is_summary }} class="lead" {{ end }}>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" $subtitle }}</p>
+            {{ end }}
+            {{ if $description }}
+              <p>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .description }}</p>
+            {{ end }}
+          </hgroup>
+        {{ else }}
           <h1>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .title }}</h1>
-          {{- if $subtitle -}}
-            <p {{ if $subtitle_is_summary -}} class="lead" {{- end -}}>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" $subtitle }}</p>
-          {{- end -}}
-          {{- if $description -}}
-            <p>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .description }}</p>
-          {{- end -}}
-        </hgroup>
-      {{- else -}}
-        <h1>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .title }}</h1>
-      {{- end -}}
-      {{- if .image }}
+        {{ end }}
+        {{ with .context.Params.header_cta }}
+          {{ if and .display .target .label }}
+            <a href="{{ .target }}" class="btn">{{ .label }}</a>
+          {{ end }}
+        {{ end }}
+      </div>
+      {{ if .image }}
           {{ if not site.Params.image_sizes.design_system.lightbox.disabled }}
             <a  class="glightbox"
                 data-glightbox="type: image;{{ if .image.credit }}description: {{ partial "PrepareHTML" .image.credit }}{{ end }}"
                 href="{{ partial "GetLightboxUrl" .image }}"
-                title="{{- i18n "commons.lightbox.link.title" -}}"
-                aria-label="{{- i18n "commons.lightbox.link.title" -}}">
+                title="{{ i18n "commons.lightbox.link.title" }}"
+                aria-label="{{ i18n "commons.lightbox.link.title" }}">
           {{ end }}
             {{ partial "commons/image.html"
@@ -59,25 +67,26 @@
             {{ if partial "GetTextFromHTML" .image.credit }}
               <figcaption tabindex="0">
                 <div class="credit-content">
-                  {{- partial "PrepareHTML" .image.credit -}}
+                  {{ partial "PrepareHTML" .image.credit }}
             {{ end }}
-      {{ end -}}
+      {{ end }}
-    {{- if eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "hero-end" -}}
-      {{- if .breadcrumb | default true -}}
-        {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" .context }}
-      {{- end -}}
-    {{- end -}}
+  {{ if .hero_complement }}
+    {{ partial .hero_complement .context }}
+  {{ end }}
+  {{ if and $display_breadcrumb (eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "hero-end") }}
+    {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" .context }}
+  {{ end }}
-{{- if $breadcrumb_is_after_hero -}}
-  {{- if .breadcrumb | default true -}}
-    <div class="container breadcrumb-container">
-      {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" .context }}
-    </div>
-  {{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
\ No newline at end of file
+{{ if and $display_breadcrumb $breadcrumb_is_after_hero }}
+  <div class="container breadcrumb-container">
+    {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" .context }}
+  </div>
+{{ end }}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/persons/hero-single copy.html b/layouts/partials/persons/hero-single copy.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da41ce5514a76c6bd68d4288dcb5467879e60f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/partials/persons/hero-single copy.html	
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+{{- $breadcrumb_is_after_hero := eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "after-hero"  -}}
+{{ $subtitle := "" }}
+{{- $summary := .Params.summary | safeHTML -}}
+{{ if and (eq site.Params.summary.position "hero") $summary }}
+  {{ $subtitle = $summary }}
+{{ end }}
+<header class="hero {{ if $breadcrumb_is_after_hero -}} hero--no-margin {{- end }}">
+  <div class="container">
+    {{- if eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "hero-start" -}}
+      {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" . }}
+    {{- end -}}
+    <div class="content">
+      {{- if $subtitle -}}
+        <hgroup>
+          <h1>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Title }}</h1>
+          <p class="lead">{{ partial "PrepareHTML" $subtitle }}</p>
+        </hgroup>
+      {{- else -}}
+        <h1>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Title }}</h1>
+      {{- end -}}
+      {{ if .Params.image }}
+        <div class="avatar">
+          {{ partial "commons/image.html"
+              (dict
+                "image"    .Params.image
+                "sizes"    site.Params.image_sizes.sections.persons.hero_single
+              )}}
+        </div>
+      {{ end }}
+    </div>
+    {{- if eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "hero-end" -}}
+      {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" . }}
+    {{- end -}}
+  </div>
+{{- if $breadcrumb_is_after_hero -}}
+  <div class="container breadcrumb-container">
+    {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" . }}
+  </div>
+{{- end -}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layouts/partials/persons/hero-single.html b/layouts/partials/persons/hero-single.html
index da41ce5514a76c6bd68d4288dcb5467879e60f84..a79151b4e11c71d79d6d46895a1d43b42b98c100 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/persons/hero-single.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/persons/hero-single.html
@@ -1,43 +1,8 @@
-{{- $breadcrumb_is_after_hero := eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "after-hero"  -}}
-{{ $subtitle := "" }}
-{{- $summary := .Params.summary | safeHTML -}}
-{{ if and (eq site.Params.summary.position "hero") $summary }}
-  {{ $subtitle = $summary }}
-{{ end }}
-<header class="hero {{ if $breadcrumb_is_after_hero -}} hero--no-margin {{- end }}">
-  <div class="container">
-    {{- if eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "hero-start" -}}
-      {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" . }}
-    {{- end -}}
-    <div class="content">
-      {{- if $subtitle -}}
-        <hgroup>
-          <h1>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Title }}</h1>
-          <p class="lead">{{ partial "PrepareHTML" $subtitle }}</p>
-        </hgroup>
-      {{- else -}}
-        <h1>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Title }}</h1>
-      {{- end -}}
-      {{ if .Params.image }}
-        <div class="avatar">
-          {{ partial "commons/image.html"
-              (dict
-                "image"    .Params.image
-                "sizes"    site.Params.image_sizes.sections.persons.hero_single
-              )}}
-        </div>
-      {{ end }}
-    </div>
-    {{- if eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "hero-end" -}}
-      {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" . }}
-    {{- end -}}
-  </div>
-{{- if $breadcrumb_is_after_hero -}}
-  <div class="container breadcrumb-container">
-    {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" . }}
-  </div>
-{{- end -}}
\ No newline at end of file
+{{- $title := or .Params.header_text .Title -}}
+{{- partial "header/hero.html"
+      (dict
+        "title" $title
+        "image" (dict "id" .Params.image)
+        "context" .
+        "sizes" site.Params.image_sizes.sections.persons.hero_single
+      ) -}}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/programs/essential.html b/layouts/partials/programs/essential.html
index bc5730ecf4c104fa7e239272a49519bf7eee7e05..f0e689084075bb3ddbe63f9bcf648b7c21897eab 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/programs/essential.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/programs/essential.html
@@ -1,22 +1,46 @@
-{{ $parent := .Params.parent }}
-{{- with .Params.diplomas -}}
-  {{- $diploma := site.GetPage (printf "/diplomas/%s" .) -}}
-  {{- with $diploma -}}
-    <dl class="essential">
-      <dt>{{ i18n "programs.diploma" }}</dt>
-      <dd><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Title }}</a></dd>
-      {{- if .Params.level -}}
-        <dt>{{ i18n "programs.level" }}</dt>
-        <dd>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.level }}</dd>
+<div class="essential-container" id="#{{ urlize (i18n "programs.toc.essential") }}">
+  <div class="container">
+    {{ $parent := .Params.parent }}
+    {{- with .Params.diplomas -}}
+      {{- $diploma := site.GetPage (printf "/diplomas/%s" .) -}}
+      {{- with $diploma -}}
+        <dl class="essential">
+          <dt>{{ i18n "programs.diploma" }}</dt>
+          <dd><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Title }}</a></dd>
+          {{- if .Params.level -}}
+            <dt>{{ i18n "programs.level" }}</dt>
+            <dd>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.level }}</dd>
+          {{- end -}}
+          {{- with $parent -}}
+            <dt>{{ i18n "programs.mention" }}</dt>
+            <dd><a href="{{ .url }}">{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .title }}</a></dd>
+          {{- end -}}
+          {{- if .Params.duration -}}
+            <dt>{{ i18n "programs.duration" }}</dt>
+            <dd>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.duration }}</dd>
+          {{- end -}}
+        </dl>
       {{- end -}}
-      {{- with $parent -}}
-        <dt>{{ i18n "programs.mention" }}</dt>
-        <dd><a href="{{ .url }}">{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .title }}</a></dd>
-      {{- end -}}
-      {{- if .Params.duration -}}
-        <dt>{{ i18n "programs.duration" }}</dt>
-        <dd>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.duration }}</dd>
-      {{- end -}}
-    </dl>
-  {{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
+    {{- end -}}
+    <div class="buttons">
+      <div class="dropdown-share dropup">
+        <button type="button" id="shareProgram" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">{{ i18n "commons.share" }}</button>
+        <div class="dropdown-menu">
+          {{ partial "commons/share.html" . }}
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      {{ with .Params.downloadable_summary }}
+        {{- $file := partial "GetMedia" . -}}
+        {{- if $file -}}
+          {{- $url := $file.url -}}
+          {{- if site.Params.keycdn -}}
+            {{- $url = $file.direct_url -}}
+          {{- end -}}
+          <a href="{{ $url }}" download target="_blank">{{ i18n "commons.download.singular_name" }}</a>
+        {{- end -}}
+      {{ end }}
+    </div>
+  </div>
diff --git a/layouts/partials/programs/hero-single.html b/layouts/partials/programs/hero-single.html
index deb0f4ae2da54d0047773693e12b80cc92142c9d..96357ec373647c0e43568e650525330e607e3b04 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/programs/hero-single.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/programs/hero-single.html
@@ -1,65 +1,7 @@
-{{- $breadcrumb_is_after_hero := eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "after-hero"  -}}
 {{- $title := or .Params.header_text .Title -}}
-{{ $subtitle := "" }}
-{{- $summary := .Params.summary | safeHTML -}}
-{{ if and (eq site.Params.summary.position "hero") $summary }}
-  {{ $subtitle = $summary }}
-{{ end }}
-<header class="hero hero-program {{ if $breadcrumb_is_after_hero -}} hero--no-margin {{- end }}">
-  <div class="container">
-    {{- if eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "hero-start" -}}
-      {{- if .Params.breadcrumb | default true -}}
-        {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" . }}
-      {{- end -}}
-    {{- end -}}
-    <div class="content">
-      {{- if $subtitle -}}
-        <hgroup>
-          <h1>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" $title }}</h1>
-          <p class="lead">{{ partial "PrepareHTML" $subtitle }}</p>
-        </hgroup>
-      {{- else -}}
-        <h1>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" $title }}</h1>
-      {{- end -}}
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="essential-container" id="#{{ urlize (i18n "programs.toc.essential") }}">
-    <div class="container">
-      {{- partial "programs/essential" . -}}
-      <div class="buttons">
-        <div class="dropdown-share dropup">
-          <button type="button" id="shareProgram" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">{{ i18n "commons.share" }}</button>
-          <div class="dropdown-menu">
-            {{ partial "commons/share.html" . }}
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        {{ with .Params.downloadable_summary }}
-          {{- $file := partial "GetMedia" . -}}
-          {{- if $file -}}
-            {{- $url := $file.url -}}
-            {{- if site.Params.keycdn -}}
-              {{- $url = $file.direct_url -}}
-            {{- end -}}
-            <a href="{{ $url }}" download target="_blank">{{ i18n "commons.download.singular_name" }}</a>
-          {{- end -}}
-        {{ end }}
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  {{- if eq site.Params.breadcrumb.position "hero-end" -}}
-    {{- if .Params.breadcrumb | default true -}}
-      {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" . }}
-    {{- end -}}
-  {{- end -}}
-{{- if $breadcrumb_is_after_hero -}}
-  {{- if .Params.breadcrumb | default true -}}
-    <div class="container breadcrumb-container">
-      {{ partial "header/breadcrumbs.html" . }}
-    </div>
-  {{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
+{{ partial "header/hero.html"
+      (dict
+        "title" $title
+        "context" .
+        "hero_complement" "programs/essential.html"
+      )}}