diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/_configuration.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/_configuration.sass
index d3c9b50c0365ca8c66786d59768988c2073e5cea..b0abc58c1a568c5e10a90261b31909fc3be10276 100644
--- a/assets/sass/_theme/_configuration.sass
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/_configuration.sass
@@ -191,7 +191,6 @@ $hero-color: $color-text !default
 $hero-background-color: $color-background-alt !default
 // Breadcrumb
-$breadcrumb-below-h1: false !default // NOT READY YET!
 $breadcrumb-color: $hero-color !default
 $breadcrumb-color-active: $hero-color !default
 $breadcrumb-icon: "caret-right" !default
@@ -337,8 +336,6 @@ $article-media-aspect-ratio: 2 !default
 $post-media-background: $article-media-background !default
 $post-categories-color: color-contrast($color-text, 20%) !default
 $post-time-color: $color-text-alt !default
-// Layout posts list (ne concerne pas les blocks posts)
-$posts-layout-list: true !default
 // Si layout posts grid (ne concerne pas les blocks posts)
 $posts-grid-columns: $block-posts-grid-columns !default
diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/blocks/organization_chart.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/blocks/organization_chart.sass
index e13111d17634aca4ec0138dfcffa60abfebb95d2..dafec2c9ab95304bea50d28294dcae2b513bfe1a 100644
--- a/assets/sass/_theme/blocks/organization_chart.sass
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/blocks/organization_chart.sass
@@ -1,33 +1,18 @@
-    article
-        position: relative
-        .name
-            @include h4
-            a
-                @include stretched-link
-                text-decoration: none
-            + p
-                margin-top: half($spacing0)
     @include in-page-with-sidebar
             @include grid(1, sm)
             @include grid(2, desktop)
             flex-direction: row
-            align-items: start
+                flex-shrink: 0
                 margin-right: $spacing1
                 width: calc(#{col(1, 4)} + #{$grid-gutter})
-                flex: 1
                 margin-top: $spacing1
     @include media-breakpoint-up(sm)
         @include in-page-without-sidebar
                 @include grid(4, lg)
-                @include grid(6, xl)
-            article
-                text-align: center
-                .avatar
-                    width: 100%
\ No newline at end of file
+                @include grid(6, xl)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass
index aaf490bccf4383afe564797a533cee890bc3db42..ec12c21b3e1694806f2eb7e9372a917e21c1b1e1 100644
--- a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass
@@ -31,38 +31,39 @@
         margin-bottom: $spacing1
         order: -1
         width: px2rem(76)
-        margin-bottom: px2rem(5)
-        // & ~ p
-            // @include small
+        @include h4
+        a
+            @include stretched-link
+            text-decoration: none
+        + p
+            margin-top: half($spacing0)
         @include small
-    @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
-        display: block
-        &::after
-            content: ''
-            clear: both
-            display: table
-        > div:first-of-type
-            float: left
-            max-width: calc(100% - 6rem)
+    @include media-breakpoint-down(md)
+        flex-direction: row
+        justify-content: space-between
-            float: right
+            align-self: start
+            flex-shrink: 0
+            order: 2
+            margin-left: $spacing0
             margin-bottom: 0
+    @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
+        @include in-page-without-sidebar
+            text-align: center
+            .avatar
+                width: 100%
     @include grid(1)
     @include grid(2, md)
     @include grid(3, lg)
-    @include grid(4, xl)
-    @include grid(5, xxl)
+    @include grid(5, xl)
+    @include grid(6, xxl)
     @include list-reset
     > li
         border-bottom: 1px solid $color-border
diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/posts.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/posts.sass
index 48a556b9ba4a3130037e71b98b4a9fa67c5530eb..2e8688af9278fa2ff4b7fe12f32ab6e4d65b9aee 100644
--- a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/posts.sass
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/posts.sass
@@ -20,54 +20,52 @@
-    @if $posts-layout-list
-        .posts
-            article
-                border-bottom: 1px solid $color-border
-                display: flex
-                margin-bottom: $spacing1
-                padding-bottom: $spacing1
-                flex-direction: row
-                h1 + p
-                    margin-top: $spacing0
-                @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-                    @include grid
-                    margin-bottom: $spacing3
-                    padding-bottom: $spacing3
-                div:not(.media)
-                    grid-column: 4/13
-                    @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
-                        flex: 1
-                        margin-left: $spacing0
-                    p:not(.title)
-                        @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
-                            display: none
-                .media
-                    background: none
-                    margin: 0
+    .posts--list
+        article
+            border-bottom: 1px solid $color-border
+            display: flex
+            margin-bottom: $spacing1
+            padding-bottom: $spacing1
+            flex-direction: row
+            h1 + p
+                margin-top: $spacing0
+            @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
+                @include grid
+                margin-bottom: $spacing3
+                padding-bottom: $spacing3
+            div:not(.media)
+                grid-column: 4/13
+                @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
+                    flex: 1
+                    margin-left: $spacing0
+                p:not(.title)
                     @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
-                        width: 33.33333%
-                    @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-                        grid-column: 1/4
-                    &, img
-                        aspect-ratio: auto
+                        display: none
+            .media
+                background: none
+                margin: 0
+                @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
+                    width: 33.33333%
                 @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-                    time 
-                        font-size: $h5-size
-                        position: absolute
-                        right: 0
-                        top: 0
-                    div:not(.media)
-                        h1,
-                        p,
-                        a
-                            max-width: col(6, 9)
-    @else 
-        .posts
-            @include grid(1)
-            @include grid(2, desktop)
-            @include grid($posts-grid-columns, xxl)
+                    grid-column: 1/4
+                &, img
+                    aspect-ratio: auto
+            @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
+                time 
+                    font-size: $h5-size
+                    position: absolute
+                    right: 0
+                    top: 0
+                div:not(.media)
+                    h1,
+                    p,
+                    a
+                        max-width: col(6, 9)
+    .posts--grid
+        @include grid(1)
+        @include grid(2, desktop)
+        @include grid($posts-grid-columns, xxl)
     @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
diff --git a/config.yaml b/config.yaml
index 6d864183673ff7221cddef657f6e103b1f450fe5..a3e5b61ea5713611f8dea419a1493ada6b3ae9be 100644
--- a/config.yaml
+++ b/config.yaml
@@ -7,13 +7,16 @@ params:
     position: hero-start #  hero-start |  hero-end | after-hero
-    list:
+    index:
       show_categories: false
       truncate_description: 200 # Set to 0 to disable truncate
       layout: list # grid | list
-    list:
+    index:
       truncate_description: 200 # Set to 0 to disable truncate
+  persons:
+    index:
+      layout: grid # grid | list
       disabled: true
diff --git a/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/organization_chart.html b/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/organization_chart.html
index b202beb7bc9986e5c9238b8d31323c1dd02576f6..8258d85a74cb6413cdc7e13465edde3f8548a0be 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/organization_chart.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/organization_chart.html
@@ -23,41 +23,40 @@
         <div class="persons">
           {{- range .persons -}}
             {{ $person := site.GetPage (printf "/persons/%s" .slug) }}
-            <div>
-              <article class="person" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Person">
-                <div class="description">
-                  <h1 class="name" itemprop="name">
-                    {{ if $with_link }}
-                    <a href="{{ $person.Permalink }}" aria-label="{{ i18n "commons.more_aria" (dict "Title" $person.Title) }}">
-                      {{ end }}
-                      {{- partial "PrepareHTML" $person.Title -}}
-                      {{ if $with_link }}
-                    </a>
+            <article class="person" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Person">
+              <div class="description">
+                <h1 class="name" itemprop="name">
+                  {{ if $with_link }}
+                  <a href="{{ $person.Permalink }}" aria-label="{{ i18n "commons.more_aria" (dict "Title" $person.Title) }}">
                     {{ end }}
-                  </h1>
-                  <p itemprop="jobTitle">
-                    {{- if (partial "GetTextFromHTML" .role) }}
-                      {{ partial "PrepareHTML" .role }}
-                    {{- else if partial "GetTextFromHTML" $person.Params.summary }}
-                      {{- partial "PrepareHTML" $person.Params.summary -}}
-                    {{ else if (partial "GetTextFromHTML" $person.Content) }}
-                      {{- partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict "text" $person.Content ) -}}
-                    {{ end -}}
-                  </p>
+                    {{- partial "PrepareHTML" $person.Title -}}
+                    {{ if $with_link }}
+                  </a>
+                  {{ end }}
+                </h1>
+                <p itemprop="jobTitle">
+                  {{- if (partial "GetTextFromHTML" .role) }}
+                    {{ partial "PrepareHTML" .role }}
+                  {{- else if partial "GetTextFromHTML" $person.Params.summary }}
+                    {{- partial "PrepareHTML" $person.Params.summary -}}
+                  {{ else if (partial "GetTextFromHTML" $person.Content) }}
+                    {{- partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict "text" $person.Content ) -}}
+                  {{ end -}}
+                </p>
+              </div>
+              {{- if $with_photo }}
+                <div class="avatar" itemprop="image">
+                  {{- if $person.Params.image }}
+                    {{ partial "commons/image.html"
+                          (dict
+                            "image"    $person.Params.image
+                            "sizes"    site.Params.image_sizes.blocks.organization_chart
+                          )}}
+                  {{ end -}}
-                {{- if $with_photo }}
-                  <div class="avatar" itemprop="image">
-                    {{- if $person.Params.image }}
-                      {{ partial "commons/image.html"
-                            (dict
-                              "image"    $person.Params.image
-                              "sizes"    site.Params.image_sizes.blocks.organization_chart
-                            )}}
-                    {{ end -}}
-                  </div>
-                {{ end -}}
-              </article>
-            </div>
+              {{ end -}}
+            </article>
           {{- end -}}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/pages.html b/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/pages.html
index d39d519379cafb6597fcdc601b3e1e2f74f85006..83bd699e6ae373f5d56b137819df8c9047e08297 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/pages.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/pages.html
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
       {{- $page_class = partial "GetBodyclass" . }}
       {{- $page_class = printf "block-%s" $page_class }}
     {{ end }}
-    {{ if site.Params.pages.list.truncate_description }}
+    {{ if site.Params.pages.index.truncate_description }}
       {{- $main_description = partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict 
           "text" .Params.summary
-          "length" site.Params.pages.list.truncate_description
+          "length" site.Params.pages.index.truncate_description
           ) -}}
     {{ else }}
       {{- $main_description = partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.summary -}}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/pages/cards.html b/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/pages/cards.html
index 6fd3e56ee05c47f4a8f7d8859b4ea57561c772df..3dc759281c2e75c0339fc6177b755ede0041af77 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/pages/cards.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/pages/cards.html
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
         {{ if and $show_descriptions .Params.summary }}
-          {{ if site.Params.pages.list.truncate_description }}
+          {{ if site.Params.pages.index.truncate_description }}
             <p>{{ partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict 
               "text" .Params.summary
-              "length" site.Params.pages.list.truncate_description
+              "length" site.Params.pages.index.truncate_description
               ) }}</p>
           {{ else }}
             <p>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.summary }}</p>
diff --git a/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/pages/grid.html b/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/pages/grid.html
index 07f582594b3a9b5a0f7afef99bf84c29e8ed07f5..4aefaa7586a686e4d0529fb2e47f89cfa355588f 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/pages/grid.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/pages/grid.html
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
         {{ if and $show_descriptions .Params.summary }}
-          {{ if site.Params.pages.list.truncate_description }}
+          {{ if site.Params.pages.index.truncate_description }}
             <p>{{ partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict 
               "text" .Params.summary
-              "length" site.Params.pages.list.truncate_description
+              "length" site.Params.pages.index.truncate_description
               ) }}</p>
           {{ else }}
             <p>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.summary }}</p>
diff --git a/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/posts/highlight.html b/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/posts/highlight.html
index 3d606923ce43bab4fa6bb9e10e0eb6b5597ada66..6c3369909d8f34ca859e0a85bb4cb153036da4b9 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/posts/highlight.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/blocks/templates/posts/highlight.html
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
             <article class="post">
               {{- $title := partial "PrepareHTML" .Title -}}
               <h1 itemprop="headline"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ safeHTML (i18n "commons.more_aria" (dict "Title" $title)) }}">{{ $title }}</a></h1>
-              {{ if site.Params.posts.list.show_categories }}
+              {{ if site.Params.posts.index.show_categories }}
                 {{- partial "posts/categories" . -}}
               {{ end }}
               {{- if (partial "GetTextFromHTML" .Params.summary) -}}
-                {{ if site.Params.posts.list.truncate_description }}
+                {{ if site.Params.posts.index.truncate_description }}
                   <p itemprop="articleBody">{{ partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict 
                     "text" .Params.summary
-                    "length" site.Params.posts.list.truncate_description
+                    "length" site.Params.posts.index.truncate_description
                     ) }}</p>
                 {{ else }}
                   <p itemprop="articleBody">{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.summary }}</p>
diff --git a/layouts/partials/persons/list-specific.html b/layouts/partials/persons/list-specific.html
index 605023a4f10c726621c7c081a1e33b090111f451..5b02131199e42a106ec97089acbda7f3f2d41e7b 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/persons/list-specific.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/persons/list-specific.html
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-<ol class="persons">
-  {{ range (.Paginate (.Pages.ByParam "last_name")).Pages }}
-    {{ if .Slug }}
-      {{ $slug := printf "/persons/%s" .Slug }}
-      {{ $person := site.GetPage $slug }}
-      {{ if $person }}
-        {{ with $person }}
-          {{ partial "persons/list-item" $person }}
-        {{ end }}
-      {{ end }}
+{{ $persons := slice }}
+{{ range (.Paginate (.Pages.ByParam "last_name")).Pages }}
+  {{ if .Slug }}
+    {{ $slug := printf "/persons/%s" .Slug }}
+    {{ $person := site.GetPage $slug }}
+    {{ if $person }}
+      {{ $persons = $persons | append $person }}
     {{ end }}
   {{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+{{ partial "persons/list.html" (dict "persons" $persons) }}
 {{ partial "commons/pagination.html" . }}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/persons/list.html b/layouts/partials/persons/list.html
index 77a53118ffd00784b31fcfd602c7e429608f53a1..9edc780d68ca0968021de3851db7f69bbca2fa4f 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/persons/list.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/persons/list.html
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
-<ol class="persons">
-  {{ $persons := .Pages.ByParam "last_name" }}
-  {{ range (.Paginate $persons).Pages }}
-    {{ partial "persons/list-item" . }}
-  {{ end }}
-{{ partial "commons/pagination.html" . }}
+{{ if eq site.Params.persons.index.layout "list" }}
+  <ol class="persons persons--list">
+    {{ range .persons }}
+      {{ partial "persons/list-item" . }}
+    {{ end }}
+  </ol>
+{{ else if eq site.Params.persons.index.layout "grid" }}
+  <div class="persons">
+    {{ range .persons }}
+      {{ partial "persons/person" . }}
+    {{ end }}
+  </div>
+{{ end }}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/posts/block-posts-layout.html b/layouts/partials/posts/block-posts-layout.html
index 195e1fc31602278540268e911b96f89a681db422..24a46ee469fee178fce5886846405bac732d2f6f 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/posts/block-posts-layout.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/posts/block-posts-layout.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{{ $layout := site.Params.posts.list.layout | default "list" }}
+{{ $layout := site.Params.posts.index.layout | default "list" }}
 <div class="block-posts block-posts--{{- $layout -}}">
   <div class="container">
     <div class="block-content">
diff --git a/layouts/partials/posts/post.html b/layouts/partials/posts/post.html
index 3a10c62d42cd5bb344966a727f7f178a910e6d7e..ea01cfd3f577cd5f2b8b1f831f925984ca5f5adf 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/posts/post.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/posts/post.html
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
   <div class="post-content">
     {{- $title := partial "PrepareHTML" .Title -}}
     <h1 itemprop="headline"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ safeHTML (i18n "commons.more_aria" (dict "Title" $title)) }}">{{ $title }}</a></h1>
-    {{ if $.Site.Params.posts.list.show_categories }}
+    {{ if $.Site.Params.posts.index.show_categories }}
       {{- partial "posts/categories" . -}}
     {{ end }}
     {{- if (partial "GetTextFromHTML" .Params.summary) -}}
-      {{ if $.Site.Params.posts.list.truncate_description }}
+      {{ if $.Site.Params.posts.index.truncate_description }}
         <p itemprop="articleBody">{{ partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict 
           "text" .Params.summary
-          "length" $.Site.Params.posts.list.truncate_description
+          "length" $.Site.Params.posts.index.truncate_description
           ) }}</p>
       {{ else }}
         <p itemprop="articleBody">{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.summary }}</p>
diff --git a/layouts/partials/posts/posts.html b/layouts/partials/posts/posts.html
index 7a0a4cfda055f218e77bd5b1d144bebcca1550a8..0dd9340c6dde4de13fcac1b4beda6444411d764f 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/posts/posts.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/posts/posts.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<div class="posts">
+<div class="posts posts--{{- site.Params.posts.index.layout -}}">
   {{ if not .Pages }}
     <p>{{ i18n "categories.no_post" }}</p>
   {{ end }}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/programs/chapters.html b/layouts/partials/programs/chapters.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e208f716408efd75e77ac05abff3386f79035c1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/layouts/partials/programs/chapters.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<div itemprop="articleBody">
-  {{- $params := .params -}}
-  {{- $contactsExist := or $params.contacts $params.roles -}}
-  {{- range .chapters -}}
-    {{- $content := index $params . -}}
-    {{- $chapterExists := $content -}}
-    {{ if eq "contacts" . }}
-      {{- $chapterExists = $contactsExist -}}
-    {{ end }}
-    {{- if $chapterExists }}
-      <section>
-        {{ $title := i18n (printf "programs._%s" .) -}}
-        <h2 id="page-{{ . }}">{{ $title }}</h2>
-        {{ if eq . "contacts" }}
-          {{- partial "programs/content.html" $content -}}
-          {{- partial "programs/roles.html" $params.roles -}}
-        {{ else if eq . "teachers" }}
-          {{- partial "programs/teachers.html"
-                        (dict
-                          "title" $title
-                          "teachers" $params.teachers
-                          "descriptions" $params.teachers_description
-                        ) -}}
-        {{ else }}
-          {{- partial "programs/content.html" $content -}}
-        {{ end }}
-      </section>
-    {{ end -}}
-  {{- end -}}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/programs/roles.html b/layouts/partials/programs/roles.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fa6b0b5a37a761ea63415e1aa3cd9acdbf55c04..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/layouts/partials/programs/roles.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-{{- range . }}
-  <h3>{{ .title }}</h3>
-  <div class="persons">
-    {{- range .persons -}}
-      {{ $slug := . }}
-      {{ with site.GetPage "persons" }}
-        {{ with .GetPage $slug }}
-          <div>
-            <div class="person">
-              <p class="name">
-                <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Title }}</a>
-              </p>
-              {{ if .Params.email }}
-                <p class="contact">
-                  <a href="mailto:{{ .Params.email }}" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">{{ .Params.email }}</a>
-                </p>
-              {{ end }}
-              {{ if .Params.phone }}
-                <p class="contact">
-                  {{ safeHTML .Params.phone }}
-                </p>
-              {{ end }}
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        {{ end }}
-      {{ end }}
-    {{ end }}
-  </div>
-{{ end -}}
diff --git a/layouts/persons/list.html b/layouts/persons/list.html
index 209dff5ceda7c36271e4dc0544b24d08ebfe7275..6197b5ffed85f41d4b91a04436fd77ecce800f67 100644
--- a/layouts/persons/list.html
+++ b/layouts/persons/list.html
@@ -33,7 +33,10 @@
     <div class="container">
       {{- if not $is_organigram_present -}}
         {{ partial "persons/taxonomies.html" . }}
-        {{ partial "persons/list.html" . }}
+        {{ $persons := .Pages.ByParam "last_name" }}
+        {{ $persons = (.Paginate $persons).Pages }}
+        {{ partial "persons/list.html" (dict "persons" $persons) }}
+        {{ partial "commons/pagination.html" . }}
       {{- end -}}