From c8ab6f0ede4d59423ddaa72bcb60bfe84b1c073d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Olivia206 <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 15:36:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] fixed papers in person and volume

 assets/sass/_theme/design-system/button.sass |  30 ++++++
 assets/sass/_theme/hugo-osuny.sass           |   1 +
 assets/sass/_theme/sections/papers.sass      |  94 ++++++++--------
 assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass     |   3 +
 assets/sass/_theme/sections/volumes.sass     | 108 ++++++++-----------
 layouts/papers/single.html                   |   4 +
 layouts/partials/papers/abstract.html        |   7 ++
 layouts/partials/papers/document-nav.html    |  41 +++----
 layouts/partials/papers/paper.html           |   4 +-
 9 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 assets/sass/_theme/design-system/button.sass

diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/design-system/button.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/design-system/button.sass
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60adbd14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/design-system/button.sass
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+    @include meta
+    @include button-reset
+    align-items: center
+    cursor: pointer
+    display: flex
+    padding: 0
+    @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
+        width: col(2,1)
+    &:first-child
+        margin-bottom: $spacing0
+    &::before 
+        background-color: white
+        border: 1px solid $color-border
+        margin-right: $spacing0
+        padding: half($spacing0)
+        transition: background 0.3s ease, border 0.3s ease
+        @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
+            margin-right: $spacing1
+    &:hover
+        text-decoration: none
+        &::before
+            background-color: $color-text
+            border-color: transparent
+            color: $color-background
+    text-decoration: none
+    @include icon-block(eye, before)
+    @include icon-block(download, before)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/hugo-osuny.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/hugo-osuny.sass
index c593d1c1..2fb6caef 100644
--- a/assets/sass/_theme/hugo-osuny.sass
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/hugo-osuny.sass
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 @import "design-system/layout"
 @import "design-system/a11y"
 @import "design-system/breadcrumb"
+@import "design-system/button"
 @import "design-system/footer"
 @import "design-system/header"
 @import "design-system/hero"
diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/papers.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/papers.sass
index 341e9da6..0977d45a 100644
--- a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/papers.sass
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/papers.sass
@@ -3,65 +3,45 @@
         text-decoration-color: transparent
         transition: color 0.3s ease
+    > div
+        &:first-of-type
+            grid-column: 1 / 7
+        &:last-of-type
+            grid-column: 8 / 12
+            align-items: start
+            display: flex
+            @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
+                flex-wrap: wrap
+                justify-content: space-between
+                margin-top: $spacing1
+    h3
+        a:hover
+            color: $color-accent
+    .paper-volume
+        @include meta
+        text-transform: lowercase
+        a
+            @include link($color-text)
+            text-transform: none
+        span
+            text-transform: uppercase
     @include list-reset
-    article
-        @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-            @include grid
-        + article
+    margin-block-start: half($spacing3)
+    li
+        + li
             margin-top: $spacing2
             @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
                 margin-top: $spacing3
-        > div
-            &:first-of-type
-                grid-column: 1 / 7
-            &:last-of-type
-                grid-column: 7 / 12
-                @include grid(2, desktop)
-                @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
-                    margin-top: $spacing1
+        article
+            @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
+                @include grid
+            + article
+                margin-top: $spacing2
                 @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-                    align-items: start
-                a, button
-                    @include meta
-                    @include button-reset
-                    align-items: center
-                    cursor: pointer
-                    display: flex
-                    padding: 0
-                    &::before 
-                        background-color: white
-                        border: 1px solid $color-border
-                        margin-right: $spacing0
-                        padding: half($spacing0)
-                        transition: background 0.3s ease, border 0.3s ease
-                        @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-                            margin-right: $spacing1
-                    &:hover
-                        text-decoration: none
-                        &::before
-                            background-color: $color-text
-                            border-color: transparent
-                            color: $color-background
-                button
-                    @include icon-block(eye, before)
-                a
-                    @include icon-block(download, before)
-                @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
-                    * + *
-                        margin-top: $spacing0
-        h3
-            a:hover
-                color: $color-accent
-        .paper-volume
-            @include meta
-            text-transform: lowercase
-            a
-                @include link($color-text)
-                text-transform: none
-            span
-                text-transform: uppercase
+                    margin-top: $spacing3
@@ -87,3 +67,13 @@
                                     @include h4
                                     @include stretched-link(before)
                                     text-decoration: none
+            .document-nav
+                @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
+                    grid-column: 9 / 12
+                    order: 2
+                dl
+                    margin: 0
+                    dt
+                        @include meta
+                        &:not(:first-of-type)
+                            margin-top: $spacing2
diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass
index 69329de4..c9271764 100644
--- a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/persons.sass
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
                 transition: transform .3s ease
                 transform: translateX($spacing0)
+    // TODO : voir comment gérer les marges comme pour les blocs (pb footer)
+    section
+        padding-bottom:  $grid-gutter
             justify-content: flex-start
diff --git a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/volumes.sass b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/volumes.sass
index 24e00c86..7ee0bd0a 100644
--- a/assets/sass/_theme/sections/volumes.sass
+++ b/assets/sass/_theme/sections/volumes.sass
@@ -19,74 +19,30 @@
                 @include grid
                 @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-                    grid-column: 1 / 9
+                    grid-column: 1 / 8
                 > div
                     margin-bottom: $spacing1
                     @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
                         margin-bottom: $spacing4
-                .volume-table
-                    list-style: none
-                    margin-block-start: half($spacing3)
-                    li
-                        + li
-                            margin-top: $spacing3
-                        a
-                            text-decoration-color: rgba(0,0,0,0)
-                            &:hover
-                                text-decoration-color: rgba(0,0,0,1)    
-                        .item--informations
-                            @include grid(2, desktop)
-                            margin-top: $spacing0
+                    .modal
+                        background-color: $body-overlay-color
+                        .modal-content
+                            background-color: $color-background-alt
+                            padding: $spacing3
+                            position: relative
                             @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-                                margin-top: $spacing1
-                            a, button
-                                @include meta
-                                @include button-reset
-                                align-items: center
-                                cursor: pointer
-                                display: flex
-                                padding: 0
-                                &::before 
-                                    background-color: white
-                                    border: 1px solid $color-border
-                                    margin-right: $spacing0
-                                    padding: half($spacing0)
-                                    transition: background 0.3s ease, border 0.3s ease
-                                    @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-                                        margin-right: $spacing1
-                                &:hover
-                                    text-decoration: none
-                                    &::before
-                                        background-color: $color-text
-                                        border-color: transparent
-                                        color: $color-background
-                            button
-                                @include icon-block(eye, before)
-                            a
-                                @include icon-block(download, before)
-                            @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
-                                * + *
-                                    margin-top: $spacing0
-                        .modal
-                            // display: none
-                            background-color: $body-overlay-color
-                            .modal-content
-                                background-color: $color-background-alt
-                                padding: $spacing3
-                                position: relative
-                                @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
-                                    // width: col(8)
-                                    margin: auto
-                                .modal-header
-                                    margin-bottom: $spacing0
-                                    .btn-close
-                                        @include button-reset
-                                        @include icon-block(close, before)
-                                        position: absolute
-                                        right: 0
-                                        top: 0
-                                    h5
-                                        @include h3
+                                // width: col(8)
+                                margin: auto
+                            .modal-header
+                                margin-bottom: $spacing0
+                                .btn-close
+                                    @include button-reset
+                                    @include icon-block(close, before)
+                                    position: absolute
+                                    right: 0
+                                    top: 0
+                                h5
+                                    @include h3
                 @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
                     grid-column: 9 / 12
@@ -98,4 +54,28 @@
                             margin-top: $spacing2
-        display: block
\ No newline at end of file
+        display: block
+        @include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
+            > div
+                &:first-of-type
+                    .paper-volume
+                        display: inline-flex
+                        margin-left: $spacing0
+        @include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
+            > div
+                &:first-of-type
+                    display: flex
+                    flex-wrap: wrap
+                    justify-content: space-between
+                    h3 
+                        flex: 1
+                    > span
+                        order: 3
+                        width: 100%
+                    .paper-volume
+                        padding-left: $spacing1
+                &:last-of-type
+                    gap: $grid-gutter
+                    margin-top: $spacing1
+                    a, button
+                        width: unset
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layouts/papers/single.html b/layouts/papers/single.html
index bea5b9a6..8965c2c0 100644
--- a/layouts/papers/single.html
+++ b/layouts/papers/single.html
@@ -9,12 +9,16 @@
   <meta itemprop="name" content="{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Title }}">
   <div class="container">
+    {{ partial "papers/document-nav.html" . }}
     <div class="content">
       {{ partial "papers/abstract.html" . }}
       {{ partial "papers/authors.html" . }}
       {{ partial "papers/body.html" . }}
       {{ partial "papers/references.html" . }}
diff --git a/layouts/partials/papers/abstract.html b/layouts/partials/papers/abstract.html
index 2a7bfced..85826057 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/papers/abstract.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/papers/abstract.html
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
   <p itemprop="abstract">{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.Abstract }}</p>
+  <div role="group">
+    {{ if isset .Params "pdf" }}
+      {{- $pdf := partial "GetMedia" .Params.pdf -}}
+      <a href="{{ $pdf.url }}" download>{{ i18n "" }}</a><br>
+    {{ end }}
+    <a href="#" class="squared-button" download>PDF (435 ko)</a>
+  </div>
diff --git a/layouts/partials/papers/document-nav.html b/layouts/partials/papers/document-nav.html
index e4339574..22055dc8 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/papers/document-nav.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/papers/document-nav.html
@@ -1,14 +1,28 @@
 <aside class="document-nav">
-  <div role="group">
-    {{ if isset .Params "pdf" }}
-      {{- $pdf := partial "GetMedia" .Params.pdf -}}
-      <a href="{{ $pdf.url }}" download>{{ i18n "" }}</a><br>
-    {{ end }}
-    {{ if .Content }}
-      <a href="#full-text" class="btn-eye">{{ i18n "commons.read_online" }}</a>
-    {{ end }}
-  </div>
+    {{ range .GetTerms "volumes" }}
+      <dt>{{ i18n "volumes.singular_name" }}</dt>
+      <dd itemprop="isPartOf" itemscope itemtype="">
+        <a href="{{ .Permalink }}" itemprop="url">
+          <span itemprop="name">{{ .Title }}</span>
+          <div class="media">
+            {{- if .Params.image -}}
+              {{- partial "commons/image.html"
+                    (dict
+                      "image"    .Params.image
+                      "alt"      .Title
+                      "mobile"   "327x388"
+                      "tablet"   "208x247"
+                      "desktop"  "408x485"
+                    ) -}}
+            {{- else if site.Params.default_image.url -}}
+              {{- partial "commons/image-default.html" (dict "class" "img-fluid") -}}
+            {{- end -}}
+          </div>
+        </a>
+      </dd>
+    {{ end }}
     {{ if isset .Params "type" }}
       <dt>{{ i18n "volumes.nature" }}</dt>
       <dd>{{ partial "PrepareHTML" .Params.Type }}</dd>
@@ -26,15 +40,6 @@
       <dd itemprop="inLanguage" content="{{ .Params.Lang_iso }}">{{ .Params.Lang }}</dd>
     {{ end }}
-    {{ range .GetTerms "volumes" }}
-      <dt>{{ i18n "volumes.singular_name" }}</dt>
-      <dd itemprop="isPartOf" itemscope itemtype="">
-        <a href="{{ .Permalink }}" itemprop="url">
-          <span itemprop="name">{{ .Title }}</span>
-        </a>
-      </dd>
-    {{ end }}
     {{ if .Date }}
       <dt>{{ i18n "" }}</dt>
diff --git a/layouts/partials/papers/paper.html b/layouts/partials/papers/paper.html
index 1143acd7..317586d2 100644
--- a/layouts/partials/papers/paper.html
+++ b/layouts/partials/papers/paper.html
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
     <div role="group">
-      <button type="button" data-bs-toggle="modal">Résumé</button>
-      <a href="#" download>PDF (435 ko)</a>
+      <button class="squared-button" type="button" data-bs-toggle="modal">Résumé</button>
+      <a class="squared-button" href="#" download>PDF (435 ko)</a>
       {{/*  <button type="button" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#{{ $modalId }}">{{ i18n "volumes.abstract" }}</button>
         {{ if .Params.pdf }}
           {{- $pdf := partial "GetMedia" .Params.pdf -}}