#! /usr/bin/env node const shell = require("shelljs"); shell.set('-e'); // exit upon first error console.log(` .=*#%%#*= -*#%%#*=. =+- ++. .+ .+#%%#+. :++ -+- :@@=:..:+@@. #@#:..:+@@. *@* @@: -@#@+:..-@@- -@@ *@* +@* %@= .@@. %@= *@* @@: -@@. *@* -@@ *@* +@* %@= %@* *%= *@* @@: -@@ *@* -@@ *@* +@* %@= +@@= *@* @@: -@@ *@* -@@ *@* +@* %@= .+@@+. *@* @@: -@@ *@* -@@ *@* +@* %@= .+@@+. *@* @@: -@@ *@* .@@=. :@@= +@* %@= == +@@: *@* @@: -@@ *@* .+%@@@@%*- +@* %@= .@@. +@# *@* .@@: -@@ *@* @@- =@% .@@- @@- #@# +@# :#@@: -@@ *@* @@- =%@%##%@%= :#@%##%@@* *@@##@%=:@: :@@ *@+ %@- .:.. ..:. ... `); const command = process.argv[2]; let pagefindExclude = ''; // Categories: No list of categories pagefindExclude += '.categories__taxonomy, .categories__term, '; pagefindExclude += '.posts_categories__taxonomy, .posts_categories__term, '; pagefindExclude += '.events_categories__taxonomy, .events_categories__term, '; // Diplomas: No list of diplomas or block diplomas pagefindExclude += '.diplomas__taxonomy, .block-diplomas, '; // Agenda events: No list of events or block events pagefindExclude += '.events__section, .block-agenda, '; // Organizations: No list of organizations or block organizations pagefindExclude += '.organizations__section, .block-organizations, '; // Pages: No block pages (there's no difference between list and page) pagefindExclude += '.block-pages, '; // Persons: no list or block pagefindExclude += '.persons__section, .block-persons, '; // No list of people's facets pagefindExclude += '.administrators__term, .authors__term, .researchers__term, .teachers__term,'; // Posts: no list, block posts, or post sidebar pagefindExclude += '.posts__section, .block-posts, .post-sidebar, '; // Programs: no block pagefindExclude += '.block-programs'; function execute(string) { console.log("OSUNY runs " + string); shell.exec(string); } if (command === "watch") { execute("hugo server"); } if (command === "dev") { execute("hugo"); execute("npx pagefind --site 'public' --output-subdir '../static/pagefind' --exclude-selectors '" + pagefindExclude + "'"); execute("hugo server"); } if (command === "build") { execute("yarn upgrade"); execute("hugo --minify"); execute("npm_config_yes=true npx pagefind --site 'public' --exclude-selectors '" + pagefindExclude + "'"); } if (command === "percy-build") { execute("yarn upgrade"); execute("hugo --baseURL=/"); execute("npm_config_yes=true npx pagefind --site 'public' --exclude-selectors '" + pagefindExclude + "'"); } if (command === "update") { execute("git pull --recurse-submodules --depth 1"); execute("git submodule update --remote"); } if (command === "setup-example") { execute("git submodule add https://github.com/noesya/osuny-example"); } if (command === "server-example") { execute("hugo server --config osuny-example/config/example/config.yaml"); } if (command === "example") { execute("yarn setup-example > /dev/null || yarn upgrade"); execute("yarn osuny server-example"); } if (command === "update-theme") { execute("cd themes/osuny-hugo-theme-aaa"); execute("git checkout main"); execute("git pull"); execute("cd ../.."); execute("yarn upgrade"); }