params: debug: active: false productionUrl: "" keycdn: plausible: false seo: title: separator: "|" # DESIGN SYSTEM logo: header: "/assets/images/logo.svg" footer: "/assets/images/logo.svg" # Handle logo in darkmode with this configuration # header: # default: "/assets/images/logo.svg" # darkmode: "/assets/images/logo-white.svg" # footer: # default: "/assets/images/logo.svg" # darkmode: "/assets/images/logo-white.svg" menu: dropdown: linkToLevel1: false i18n: display: true breadcrumb: position: hero-start # hero-start | hero-end | after-hero | none summary: position: hero # hero | content search: active: false position: menu # menu | upper-menu | fixed | footer appearance: icon # icon | text | both home: toc: disabled: true # Enabled network for share action # You can also specify this options for each sharable Section share_links: enabled: true email: true facebook: true linkedin: true mastodon: false telegram: false twitter: false whatsapp: false # SECTIONS diplomas: single: programs: options: false # You can set options for programs layout (see programs.index.options) events: default_image: false date_format: ":date_long" index: truncate_description: 200 # Set to 0 to disable truncate layout: list # grid | list options: dates: true categories: false image: true status: false subtitle: true summary: true # share_links: # Optional # enabled: true # email: false # facebook: true # linkedin: true # mastodon: false # telegram: false # twitter: true # whatsapp: false organizations: dark_logo_background: false map_marker_icon: '/assets/images/map-marker.svg' index: options: link: true logo: true summary: false single: backlinks: false pages: default_image: false index: truncate_description: 200 # Set to 0 to disable truncate layout: grid # grid | list papers: default_image: false sidebar: direction: start volumes: default_image: false locations: default_image: false index: truncate_description: 200 layout: list # grid | list map: true options: summary: true image: true single: programs: options: button: false contact: false diploma: false image: true logo: false summary: true persons: index: layout: grid # grid | list options: summary: true image: true link: true single: backlinks: false posts: default_image: false date_format: ":date_long" index: truncate_description: 200 # Set to 0 to disable truncate layout: list # grid | list options: author: false categories: true date: true image: true reading_time: false summary: true subtitle: true # share_links: # Optional # enabled: true # email: false # facebook: true # linkedin: true # mastodon: false # telegram: false # twitter: true # whatsapp: false programs: related_posts: quantity: 4 related_events: quantity: 4 index: options: button: false contact: false diploma: true diploma_certification: false image: false logo: false summary: false truncate_description: 200 # Set to 0 to disable truncate single: options: diploma_certification: true logo: true website_link: true # share_links: # Optional # enabled: true # email: false # facebook: true # linkedin: true # mastodon: false # telegram: false # twitter: true # whatsapp: false projects: default_image: false date_format: "2006" index: truncate_description: 200 # Set to 0 to disable truncate layout: grid # grid | list options: categories: true summary: true year: false subtitle: true # share_links: # Optional # enabled: true # email: false # facebook: true # linkedin: true # mastodon: false # telegram: false # twitter: true # whatsapp: false volumes: default_image: false # BLOCKS blocks: gallery: carousel: arrows: true pagination: false autoplay: false key_figures: animated: true pages: alternate: more: true posts: carousel: arrows: true pagination: false autoplay: false testimonials: carousel: pagination: true autoplay: true autoplayinterval: 5000 timeline: carousel: arrows: true pagination: false autoplay: false image_sizes: design_system: lightbox: disabled: false # TODO mobile et tablet mobile: 1920x2560 tablet: 1920x2560 desktop: 1920x2560 gallerylightbox: disabled: false hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 blocks: call_to_action: mobile: 375 tablet: 500 desktop: 600 chapter: mobile: 350 tablet: 450 desktop: 800 features: mobile: 350 tablet: 400 desktop: 750 key_figures: mobile: 100 tablet: 100 desktop: 150 image: mobile: 480x850 tablet: 768x1360 desktop: 1920x1920 links: mobile: 350 tablet: 400 desktop: 750 organizations: mobile: 164 tablet: 216 desktop: 196 organization_chart: # LEGACY mobile: 80 tablet: 100 desktop: 255 pages: list: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 300 large: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 1080 partners: # LEGACY mobile: 164 tablet: 216 desktop: 196 persons: mobile: 80 tablet: 100 desktop: 255 testimonials: mobile: 80 tablet: 160 desktop: 260 gallery: carousel: mobile: 400 tablet: 600 desktop: 1024 grid: mobile: 170 tablet: 350 desktop: 415 large: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 1920 programs: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 600 sections: categories: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 hero_term: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 diplomas: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 hero_single: mobile: 351 tablet: 456 desktop: 856 home: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 events: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 hero_single: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 item: mobile: 350 tablet: 450 desktop: 750 organizations: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 logo: mobile: 331 tablet: 196 desktop: 396 item: mobile: 144 tablet: 196 desktop: 176 pages: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 item: mobile: 350 tablet: 990 desktop: 600 papers: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 persons: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 hero_single: mobile: 200 tablet: 200 desktop: 415 item: mobile: 80 tablet: 100 desktop: 255 posts: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 hero_single: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 item: mobile: 350 tablet: 450 desktop: 600 projects: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 hero_single: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 item: mobile: 350 tablet: 450 desktop: 600 programs: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 image: mobile: 351x168 tablet: 456x219 desktop: 856x410 item: mobile: 350 tablet: 450 desktop: 600 publications: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 volumes: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 750 item: mobile: 327x388 tablet: 208x247 desktop: 300x356 locations: hero: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 900 hero_single: mobile: 400 tablet: 800 desktop: 900 item: mobile: 350 tablet: 450 desktop: 900 map: mobile: 150 tablet: 150 desktop: 150