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  • v0.4.3
    ad5cd564 · even more reformatting ·
    This is the shortened change log:
    - Announcement of waypoints, closes #584
    - U-Turns at Via nodes are now allowed (not yet visible in frontend)
    - Extraction of road network roughly 10% faster than previous release
    - No inconvient use of space in /tmp anymore
    - Added a distinct tool to check if hsgr file is valid: osrm-check-hsgr
    - Added more unit tests based on boost/test.
    - Use multiple cores during sorting steps
    - Windows port much more stable, builds with significantly less errors
    - Fixed a rare segfault in path query
    - Fixed a bug in turn restriction combination including overlaps and one-ways
    - Fixed bug in osrm-components tool
    - Added timings to a number of locations
    - Added BUILD_TOOLS cmake flag, deprecated WITH_TOOLS
    - Fixed selection of alternative route name
    - Many, many bigger and smaller code changes
  • v0.4.2b
    hot-fixing an off-by-one error
  • v0.4.2
    This is the shortened change log:
    - Windows support: Fetch the latest develop branch build from
    - MinGW compiler support
    - Parallelization now uses Intel Thread Building blocks, bringing feature parity to all supported platforms
    - Significant query speed improvements, about twice as fast
    - The distance table feature does not need any zoom level anymore. Finds best nearest edge automatically
    - First compressed and succinct data structure to improve memory footprint
    - Improved and faster heuristics for polyline generalization
    - Fixes a resource leak on shutdown
    - Shared-Memory parallel sorting where applicable
    - Lots of smaller and bigger changes to the code base
    - Lots of code improvements thanks to C++11 and static analysis tools
    - Better control the number of used threads during extraction and preprocessing
    - Updated NodeJS bindings [2] supporting the new distance table API endpoint
  • v0.4.1
    This is the shortened change log:
    - new API call: efficient distance table computation
    - use 100 locations at max for dist table (for now)
    - JSON output generation through a dedicated JSON container
    - deactivate LTO on debug build
    - fix performance regression in preprocessing
    - use static assertions for better source code correctness
    - add some static asserts to guard against memory usage regressions
    - do less work when compressing geometries
    - move most geometric calculations to float
    - replace boost::unordered_map, move hash function for pairs into its own header
    - refactor route name extraction into its own class, fix name extraction
    - further includes untangling
    - introduce range based for loops to traverse graphs
    - further boost by STL replacements
    - use lookup tables from some trigonometry functions
    - fix compile regression in debug build
    - further code improvements and bug fixes
    Please not the following (minor) breaking changes:
    - the JSON formatted output now omits empty, i.e. unused fields
    - the response file names are now response.js(on) or route.gpx
  • v0.4.0
    gain a pretty big release with more than 150 commits:
    - modernized code base to use C++11 language features
    - decluttered the code base touching virtually every line of code
    - cut down on static analyzer warnings
    - much better linking performance on GCC 4.9
    - fixed extraction on 32 bit systems (while officially unsupported)
  • v0.3.10
    bug fix release for a serious performance regression
  • v0.3.9
    This is again a pretty big release with more than 170 commits (adding about 1500 LOCs). And it is the first release in a series to bring major improvements in memory usage. Depending on the size and location of the extract, you can expect 25--45% improvements.
    This is the shortened change log:
    - compress all road geometries (49% on the planet for cars)
    - make all error messages JSON
    - activated link time optimizations by default
    - more test scenarios (25+)
    - use forward decl's to cut compile times
    - ongoing effort to make code more legible
    - several lints fixed that were detected by facebooks flint
    - several lints fixed that were detected by Coveritys static analyzer
    - several lints fixed that were detected by OCLint
    - remove remnants of C-Style
    - add clang-format style file
  • v0.3.8
    The release is the result of hard work of all contributors and comes at a hefty count of 278 commits. The shortened changelog is this:
    - Fix performance regression in JSON generation
    - Update and enhance test suite
    - Activate link time optimizations
    - Update speed profiles to be more realistic
    - CMake now adds RPATH info to executables
    - Refactored some code for better readability
    - Removed pesky function ptr from CRC32 computation
    - Enhanced feedback on command line options
    - Escape characters in JSON instead of HTML-entetizing
    - Decode URI-encoded requests
    - Fix a possible path quality regression
    - General support for non-X86(-64) targets, e.g. Raspberry Pi
    - Remove remaining C-style function calls
    - Fix minor GPX export issue
    - Fix resource leak, coverity issue #1121924
    - Generate pkgconfig file
    - Compile and install libOSRM as static lib
    - Lint removal in CMakeLists.txt
    - Refactor perpendicular projection to nearest location
    - Untangling includes to cut down compile time
    - More precise line generalizations
    - Make nearest neighbor queries more efficient
    - And many, many more smaller and bigger changes
  • v0.3.7
    992458ae · fix indentation ·
  • v0.3.6
  • v0.3.5
    b7980b83 · removing dead comments ·
    OSRM release v0.3.5
  • v0.3.4
    signed v0.3.4 release
  • v0.3.3
    42b68fa8 · Merging changes for 0.3.3 ·
    OSRM Release v0.3.3
  • v0.3.2
    f9ab8426 · Merging changes for 0.3.2 ·
    OSRM Release v0.3.2
  • v0.3.1
    6574436c · Merge branch 'develop' ·
  • v0.1.8.1
    additional translations,
    names for routes and alternatives,
    route description markers visible on map when hovering over
    the description
  • v0.1.8
    leaflet 0.4.4,
    multiple routing engines,
    qr codes,
    gui buttons
  • v0.1.7
    alternative routes,
    sorted nominatim search results,
    additional languages,
    and more
  • v0.1.6
    f2ca2cca · bumped version to 0.1.6 ·
    version v0.1.6
  • v0.1.5.1
    added translations