## Prerequisites:
- Copernicus: you need to [create an account](
- Naos: you must create a token in: edit profile > access token > add new token (nb: check all the boxes in “select scopes”). Copy the generated token somewhere, it will no longer be displayed
## Launch with
#### Create a kernel with user
Connect to with user
Open a new terminal and execute the following command lines :
cd work/download-forcing/
source download-forcing-env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=download-forcing-kernel
git clone https://$
cd download-forcing
python -m venv download-forcing-env
source download-forcing-env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=download-forcing-kernel
<img src="documentation/jupyterlab-filebrowser.png" width="40%" />
<img src="documentation/jupyterlab-switch-kernel.png" width="40%"/>
<img alt="alt text" src="documentation/jupyterlab-select-kernel.png" width="70%"/>
### Run the simulation
- Copy your NAOS token in `NAOS_TOKEN: str="my token" `. This token is used to get all the forked projects in NAOS, and to update them with the forcing files generated.
- Set `WRITE_IN_NAOS` to `False` if you don't want to update the forked projects in NAOS (debug mode).
- Execute this cell:
- you need to enter your Copernicus user and password
- this will generate the credentials to download the Copernicus datas, and save the credentials in : `home/.copernicusmarine/.copernicusmarine-credentials`
- Note : this identification must only be done once, it is no longer useful once the credentials have been generated and saved in your workspace
- Enter your parameters either :
- in the interface part : "Execute with the interface"
- Choose a study in all forked projects
- Choose the start and end dates
- Click on `Update forcing files`
- or in the command line part : "Execute with a prompt"
- By default, the forked projects used are :
- 2D :
- 3D :
- Set all parameters (2D or/and 3D)
- Choose the start and end dates
- Execute the cell
### Update the project with the latest version (only for new versions)
git init
git pull https://$
## With Docker
You can execute the script easily with the provided docker image:
docker run \
-e COPERNICUS_LOGIN="your_username" \
-e COPERNICUS_PASSWORD="your_password" \
-e START_DATE="2024-05-01T00:00:00.000000Z"
-e END_DATE="2024-05-04T00:00:00.000000Z"
### Copernicus Marine
- [Copernicus Marine Toolbar](
- [Credentials configuration](
- [Load a dataset](