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OKO-1031 Quality of life changes hooks

Nicolas MOINARD requested to merge OKO-1031-Hooks_MR_templates into dev

MR writing steps

  • I have set the MR title
  • I have written the MR description
  • I have ensured the MR pipeline has passed
  • I added a reviewer to the MR so they can review my code
  • I have treated the MR comments
  • I have ensured the release notes have been updated according to the new changes
  • I have ensured the MR pipeline passes after the new changes

Goal & Changes

What? Why?

Update the quality of life changes with a check for a python3 executable and a new make update-hooks command to update the hooks to the latest version.


Editing the make file and adding all of these

How to test and reproduce

  • make install-hooks, this succeeds if python3 is installed, it fails otherwise

  • make update-hooks, if you are not using the latest version of the .gitsubmodule then it will update it. Otherwise it will do nothing.


Add screenshots if any.

Edited by RELIN Vincent

Merge request reports
