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Unverified Commit 090cd33b authored by Olivia Simonet's avatar Olivia Simonet Committed by GitHub
Browse files

Merge pull request #401 from osunyorg/portfolio-layouts

Layouts des projets
parents 4ea6f65e 55128316
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 351 additions and 151 deletions
......@@ -229,32 +229,24 @@
@include top-flex
article .media img
aspect-ratio: unset
@include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
width: columns(4)
margin-top: -5%
margin-left: auto
+ .image-portrait
margin-top: -30%
+ .image-square,
+ .image-landscape
margin-top: -15%
@include alternate
position: relative
display: flex
flex-direction: column
@include stretched-link
margin-bottom: $spacing-2
order: -1
aspect-ratio: unset
@include in-page-without-sidebar
@include body-text
width: columns(10)
margin-left: auto
margin-right: auto
width: columns(4)
@include top-flex
......@@ -261,22 +261,8 @@
margin-top: 0
&--alternate .alternate
.post .media img
aspect-ratio: unset
@include alternate
@include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
margin-left: auto
+ .portrait
margin-top: -30%
+ .square,
+ .landscape
margin-top: -15%
+ .post:not(.portrait, .square, .landscape)
margin-top: -5%
margin-left: auto
......@@ -288,7 +274,6 @@
margin-top: -5%
+ .post:not(.portrait, .square, .landscape)
margin-top: -3%
@include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
......@@ -298,16 +283,6 @@
+ .post
margin-top: $spacing-5
@include in-page-with-sidebar
width: columns(4)
@include in-page-without-sidebar
width: columns(10)
margin-left: auto
margin-right: auto
width: columns(4)
@include draggable-block
@include hover-translate-icon
display: flex
align-items: center
text-decoration: none
padding-bottom: $spacing-3
padding-top: $spacing-3
gap: $spacing-3
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-border)
@include icon(arrow-right, after)
margin-left: auto
display: inline
opacity: 0
margin-right: $spacing-1
flex: 1
text-decoration: none
color: $color-accent
opacity: 1
@include in-page-without-sidebar
@include h2
@include grid(2, md)
\ No newline at end of file
@include grid(2, md)
@include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
.project + .project
margin-top: $spacing-4
align-items: baseline
@include media-breakpoint-down(desktop)
.project + .project
margin-top: $spacing-4
@include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
+ article
margin-top: $spacing-6
margin-left: auto
@include in-page-with-sidebar
width: columns(5)
@include in-page-without-sidebar
@include body-text
width: columns(7)
line-height: $body-size
margin-bottom: $spacing-2
margin-top: $spacing-2
content: ' —'
margin-right: $spacing-1
align-self: baseline
display: inline
display: inline
+ .project
margin-top: $spacing-4
@include icon(arrow-right, after)
margin-left: $spacing-1
transition: transform 0.55s $arrow-ease-transition
transform: translateX(5px)
@include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
align-items: flex-end
flex-direction: row
gap: var(--grid-gutter)
margin-bottom: 0
@include in-page-with-sidebar
@include h2
margin-bottom: $spacing-1
flex: 1
flex: 1
@include in-page-without-sidebar
@include lead
margin-bottom: space(4)
width: columns(5)
width: columns(7)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,4 +6,8 @@
display: block
width: auto
\ No newline at end of file
width: auto
.media img
width: 100%
\ No newline at end of file
@include article(auto)
@include article-title
line-height: $small-line-height
@include article-title
.media img
width: 100%
@include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
display: flex
gap: $spacing-2
flex: 1
......@@ -40,4 +40,29 @@
@include icon-block(arrow-next, before)
cursor: default
opacity: 0.3
\ No newline at end of file
opacity: 0.3
@mixin alternate
.media img
aspect-ratio: unset
@include media-breakpoint-up(desktop)
width: columns(4)
&:not(:first-child, .without-image)
margin-top: -5%
margin-left: auto
+ .portrait
margin-top: -30%
+ .square,
+ .landscape
margin-top: -15%
+ article:not(.portrait, .square, .landscape)
margin-top: -5%
&.square + .square
margin-top: -10%
@include in-page-without-sidebar
width: columns(10)
margin-left: auto
margin-right: auto
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@ params:
quantity: 4
quantity: 4
default_image: false
......@@ -7,16 +7,16 @@
"attributes" "class='page-title'"
<div class="grid">
<div class="alternate">
{{ range .pages }}
{{ $page := site.GetPage .file }}
{{ with $page }}
{{ if .Params.image }}
{{ $image_class = printf "image-%s" (partial "GetImageDirection" .Params.image) }}
{{ $image_class = printf (partial "GetImageDirection" .Params.image) }}
{{ else }}
{{ $image_class = "" }}
{{ end }}
<article class="{{ $image_class }}">
<article class="{{ $image_class }} {{- if (not (isset .Params "image")) -}} without-image {{- end -}}">
{{ $ }}
<a href="{{- .Permalink -}}">
{{- partial "PrepareHTML" .Title -}}
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{{- $term := false -}}
{{- $layout := | default "grid" -}}
{{- with }}
{{- $options := dict
"hide_image" .hide_image
......@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ safeHTML (i18n "commons.more_aria" (dict "Title" $title)) }}">{{ $title }}</a>
{{ $heading_tag.close }}
{{ if and site.Params.posts.index.show_categories (eq $options.hide_cathegory false) }}
{{ if eq $options.hide_category false }}
{{- partial "posts/categories" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{ if and site.Params.posts.index.show_description (eq $options.hide_summary false) }}
{{ if eq $options.hide_summary false }}
{{- if (partial "GetTextFromHTML" .Params.summary) -}}
<p itemprop="articleBody">{{ partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict
"text" .Params.summary
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
{{- if eq $options.hide_date false -}}
<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04" }}">{{ .Date | time.Format site.Params.posts.date_format }}</time>
{{ end }}
{{ if and site.Params.posts.index.show_author (eq $options.hide_author false) }}
{{ if eq $options.hide_author false }}
{{- partial "posts/author" . -}}
{{ end }}
......@@ -25,19 +25,19 @@
{{ $heading_tag.close }}
<div class="post-meta">
{{ if and site.Params.posts.index.show_author (eq $options.hide_author false) }}
{{ if eq $options.hide_author false }}
{{- partial "posts/author" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $options.hide_date false }}
<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04" }}">{{ .Date | time.Format site.Params.posts.date_format }}</time>
{{ end }}
{{ if and site.Params.posts.index.show_categories (eq $options.hide_cathegory false) }}
{{ if eq $options.hide_category false }}
{{- partial "posts/categories" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{ if and site.Params.posts.index.show_description (eq $options.hide_summary false) }}
{{ if eq $options.hide_summary false }}
{{- if (partial "GetTextFromHTML" .Params.summary) -}}
<p itemprop="articleBody">{{ partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict
"text" .Params.summary
{{- $block := .block -}}
{{- $block_title := .block.title -}}
{{- $block_class := partial "GetBlockClass" .block -}}
{{- $layout := "grid" -}}
{{- $layout := | default "grid" -}}
{{- with -}}
<div class="{{ $block_class }}">
{{ $heading_level := .heading_level | default 3 }}
{{ $heading := printf "h%d" $heading_level }}
<div class="alternate">
{{ range $i, $project := .projects -}}
{{ with site.GetPage .file }}
{{ partial "projects/project.html" (dict
"project" .
"heading" $heading
"alternate" true
"index" $i
) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $heading_level := .heading_level | default 3 }}
{{ $heading := printf "h%d" $heading_level }}
<div class="large">
{{ range $project := .projects -}}
{{ with site.GetPage .file }}
{{ $heading_tag := (dict
"open" ((printf "<%s class='project-title' itemprop='name'>" $heading) | safeHTML)
"close" ((printf "</%s>" $heading) | safeHTML)
) }}
<article class="project" itemscope itemtype="">
<div class="project-content">
<div class="project-description">
{{- $title := partial "PrepareHTML" .Title -}}
{{ $ }}
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" itemprop="url" title="{{ safeHTML (i18n "commons.more_aria" (dict "Title" $title)) }}">{{ $title }}</a>
{{ $heading_tag.close }}
{{ if and site.Params.projects.index.show_description (partial "GetTextFromHTML" .Params.summary) }}
<p itemprop="abstract">{{ partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict
"text" .Params.summary
"length" site.Params.projects.index.truncate_description
) }}
{{ end }}
<div class="project-meta">
{{ if and site.Params.projects.index.show_year .Params.year }}
<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="{{ .Params.year }}">{{ .Params.year }}</time>
{{ end }}
{{ if site.Params.projects.index.show_categories }}
{{- partial "projects/categories" . -}}
{{ end }}
<p class="more meta" aria-hidden="true">{{- i18n "commons.more" -}}</p>
<div class="media">
{{- if .Params.image -}}
{{- partial "commons/image.html"
"image" .Params.image
"sizes" site.Params.image_sizes.sections.projects.item
) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- partial "commons/image-default.html" "projects" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $heading_level := .heading_level | default 3 }}
{{ $heading := printf "h%d" $heading_level }}
<div class="list">
{{ range $project := .projects -}}
{{ with site.GetPage .file }}
{{ partial "projects/project.html" (dict
"project" .
"heading" $heading
{{ $heading_tag := (dict
"open" ((printf "<%s class='project-title' itemprop='name'>" $heading) | safeHTML)
"close" ((printf "</%s>" $heading) | safeHTML)
) }}
<article class="project" itemscope itemtype="">
{{- $title := partial "PrepareHTML" .Title -}}
{{ $ }}
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" itemprop="url" title="{{ safeHTML (i18n "commons.more_aria" (dict "Title" $title)) }}">{{ $title }}</a>
{{ $heading_tag.close }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
......@@ -15,56 +15,54 @@
{{ with $post }}
{{ if .Params.image }}
{{- $direction = partial "GetImageDirection" .Params.image -}}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Params.image }}
{{- $direction = partial "GetImageDirection" .Params.image -}}
{{ end }}
<article class='post {{ if $alternate }}{{ $direction }} {{if not (modBool $index 2)}}left{{ else}}right{{end}}{{end}}' itemprop="blogPosts" itemscope itemtype="">
<div class="post-content">
{{- $title := partial "PrepareHTML" .Title -}}
<article class='post {{ if $alternate }} {{- if (not (isset .Params "image")) -}} without-image {{- end -}}{{ $direction }} {{if not (modBool $index 2)}}left{{ else}}right{{end}}{{end}}' itemprop="blogPosts" itemscope itemtype="">
<div class="post-content">
{{- $title := partial "PrepareHTML" .Title -}}
{{ $ }}
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ safeHTML (i18n "commons.more_aria" (dict "Title" $title)) }}">{{ $title }}</a>
{{ $heading_tag.close }}
{{ $ }}
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ safeHTML (i18n "commons.more_aria" (dict "Title" $title)) }}">{{ $title }}</a>
{{ $heading_tag.close }}
{{ if and site.Params.posts.index.show_categories $show_category }}
{{- partial "posts/categories" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{ if $show_category }}
{{- partial "posts/categories" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{ if and site.Params.posts.index.show_description $show_summary }}
{{- if (partial "GetTextFromHTML" .Params.summary) -}}
<p itemprop="articleBody">{{ partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict
"text" .Params.summary
"length" site.Params.posts.index.truncate_description
) }}</p>
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ if or $show_author $show_date }}
<div class="post-meta">
{{ if $show_date }}
<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04" }}">{{ .Date | time.Format site.Params.posts.date_format }}</time>
{{ end }}
{{ if and site.Params.posts.index.show_author $show_author }}
{{- partial "posts/author" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $show_image }}
<div class="media">
{{- if and .Params.image -}}
{{- partial "commons/image.html"
"image" .Params.image
"sizes" site.Params.image_sizes.sections.posts.item
) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- partial "commons/image-default.html" "posts" -}}
{{ if $show_summary }}
{{- if (partial "GetTextFromHTML" .Params.summary) -}}
<p itemprop="articleBody">{{ partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict
"text" .Params.summary
"length" site.Params.posts.index.truncate_description
) }}</p>
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ if or $show_author $show_date }}
<div class="post-meta">
{{ if $show_date }}
<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04" }}">{{ .Date | time.Format site.Params.posts.date_format }}</time>
{{ end }}
{{ if $show_author }}
{{- partial "posts/author" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{ if $show_image }}
<div class="media">
{{- if and .Params.image -}}
{{- partial "commons/image.html"
"image" .Params.image
"sizes" site.Params.image_sizes.sections.posts.item
) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- partial "commons/image-default.html" "posts" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
\ No newline at end of file
{{ $project := .project }}
{{ $heading := .heading | default "h2" }}
{{- $direction := "" -}}
{{ $index := .index}}
{{ $heading_tag := (dict
"open" ((printf "<%s class='project-title' itemprop='name'>" $heading) | safeHTML)
"close" ((printf "</%s>" $heading) | safeHTML)
) }}
{{ with $project }}
<article class="project" itemscope itemtype="">
<div class="project-content">
{{- $title := partial "PrepareHTML" .Title -}}
{{ $ }}
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" itemprop="url" title="{{ safeHTML (i18n "commons.more_aria" (dict "Title" $title)) }}">{{ $title }}</a>
{{ $heading_tag.close }}
{{ $alternate := .alternate | default false }}
{{ if and site.Params.projects.index.show_description (partial "GetTextFromHTML" .Params.summary) }}
<p itemprop="abstract">{{ partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict
"text" .Params.summary
"length" site.Params.projects.index.truncate_description
) }}</p>
{{ end }}
{{ if site.Params.projects.index.show_categories }}
{{- partial "projects/categories" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{ with $project }}
{{ if and site.Params.projects.index.show_year .Params.year }}
<div class="project-meta">
<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="{{ .Params.year }}">{{ .Params.year }}</time>
{{ if .Params.image }}
{{- $direction = partial "GetImageDirection" .Params.image -}}
{{ end }}
<article class="project {{ if $alternate }}{{ $direction }} {{if not (modBool $index 2)}}left{{ else}}right{{end}}{{end}}" itemscope itemtype="">
<div class="project-content">
<div class="project-description">
{{- $title := partial "PrepareHTML" .Title -}}
{{ $ }}
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" itemprop="url" title="{{ safeHTML (i18n "commons.more_aria" (dict "Title" $title)) }}">{{ $title }}</a>
{{ $heading_tag.close }}
{{ if and site.Params.projects.index.show_description (partial "GetTextFromHTML" .Params.summary) }}
<p itemprop="abstract">{{ partial "GetTruncateContent" ( dict
"text" .Params.summary
"length" site.Params.projects.index.truncate_description
) }}
{{ end }}
{{ if site.Params.projects.index.show_categories }}
{{- partial "projects/categories" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="media">
{{- if .Params.image -}}
{{- partial "commons/image.html"
"image" .Params.image
"sizes" site.Params.image_sizes.sections.projects.item
) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- partial "commons/image-default.html" "projects" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ if and site.Params.projects.index.show_year .Params.year }}
<div class="project-meta">
<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="{{ .Params.year }}">{{ .Params.year }}</time>
{{ end }}
<div class="media">
{{- if .Params.image -}}
{{- partial "commons/image.html"
"image" .Params.image
"sizes" site.Params.image_sizes.sections.projects.item
) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- partial "commons/image-default.html" "projects" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ end }}
\ No newline at end of file
0% Loading or .
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